G.16. Adverb Game

File details:

Resource Type: Game in: English
Age: 10-18
Group Size: 10-58
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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Resource Goal

A rule game that can be puzzling and funny, or a good warm-up for a main activity.

Resource Contents

G.16. Adverb Game

One volunteer leaves the room, others choose an adverb, e.g., “slowly.”
When s/he returns he must find out what the adverb is by asking people to do things “that way,” e.g., “Shake hands that way” (so they would shake hands very slowly). If a member doesn’t want to, or can’t do what s/he says, he or she should therefore say, “I don’t want to,” very slowly.
After each command the volunteer makes a guess at the word; s/he can continue until s/he guesses - or gives up.

Leader calls out adverbs, e.g., “nervously,” and everyone moves around the
room that way. (This is good as a link or warm-up activity, before moving into an
active game, or drama.)

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