Bnei Akiva

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Ideas To Get Them To Come

Ideas to get the chanichim to come to the Snif

Ages: 10-183927 viewsView DetailsView

Importance Of Names

To become familiar with Rabbi Akiva and to understand the reasons that the תנועה is names after him, and to understand the importance of names in general.

Ages: 13-155807 viewsView DetailsView

Rabbi Akiva

To teach chanachim about the history and teachings of Rabbi Akiva.

Ages: 6-97531 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 8-103428 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

The Religious Zionism Debate
The Religious Zionism Debate
Essays Regarding the Religious Significance of the Modern State of Israel
Some writings of Rav Kook in English