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Why do you do what you do?  Every day, all of us have to make lots of little choices. We hope that they live up to what we think our values, but we all know that it doesn't always happen the way we want it to.

Anyway, enough with the serious stuff.  This game can be adapted to suit all ages and all attention spans.

Ages: 7-183850 viewsView DetailsView

Shmah Yisroel

The chanichim should understand some of the basic themes touched upon in the Shmah.

Ages: 7-127381 viewsView DetailsView

Social Action - What Makes A Good Jew?

To encourage members of Chevraya Bet to think about how they can get involved in tikkun olam b’malchut Sh-dai.

Ages: 6-153888 viewsView DetailsView

Standing Up For What You Believe In

To show the kids how we should stand up for what we believe in just like all our role models and people we look up to.

Ages: 8-133623 viewsView DetailsView

Tefilla - Is Someone Listening?

· To show that we can reach Hashem whenever we want to and need to

· To show that we have more kavana when we know that Someone is listening

Ages: 8-153272 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-182826 viewsView DetailsView

The Ideal Jew

To determine how Bnei Akiva views the ideal Jew.

Ages: 15-183641 viewsView DetailsView

The Lumberjack

Sometimes in life you need to take a break and refill your battery...

Ages: 15-1002504 viewsView DetailsView

There Is No Greater Happiness Then Making A D...

            This peula is her to teach the Chanichim two things one decision making skills.  The second thing they will get from this peula is how it connects to Purim.

It connects because when Esther was asked to go speak to Achasverosh about “law” that was sent out to kill all the Jews of shushan  She had a hard time deciding what to do to put herself first or put her people first and once she made the decision to go and speak to the king everything worked out well.

Ages: 13-176009 viewsView DetailsView
Play / skit
Ages: 10-185308 viewsView DetailsView

Vayigash - Yehuda's Journey

To show the kids that everyone is able to change themselves and their behaviour. To teach the kids the story of Yosef and his brothers, focusing on Yehuda’s teshuva and change.

Ages: 8-125697 viewsView DetailsView

Ve Nahafuch Hu

GOAL-to teach the chanichim what "Vnahafoch hu” is really about…

Ages: 10-144679 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.