Between Man and Himself

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Everything I Need To Know About Life, I Learn...

To teach lessons in life. To motivate.

Ages: 14-2210243 viewsView DetailsView

Eli Kohen & Shimshon

To show the chanachim that through Jewish History there are many examples of heroes who were examples of physical gvurah.

Ages: 4-65076 viewsView DetailsView

Miriam And Lashon Hara

Goals: To learn about the life of Miriam; To think about the repercussions of what we say and how we say it – Lashon Hara.

Ages: 6-148352 viewsView DetailsView

Chazara B’tshuva

Subject- נושא

A different way to look at “Chazara b’tshuva”

goal- מטרה

To show that “Chazara b’tshuva” is not just to regret the things that you did, but it is to return to yourself and see if you are fulfilling your purpose in life.

Ages: 5-5013797 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-186288 viewsView DetailsView

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An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.
Yoni Netanyahu
Yoni Netanyahu
the official site for Yoni Netanyahu
Leadel- Jewish Leadership
Leadel- Jewish Leadership
videos etc about Jewish Leadreship of then and now