World Bnei Akiva MovementCenter for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora
The Online Hadracha Center
מרכז ההדרכה המקוון

Den arabisk- israeliska konflikten

Kort artikel
Alder: 10-10010060 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet
Alder: 10-195856 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet
Alder: 10-195497 visningarView DetailsVisa

Color Red- Sderot

What is for you the "color red"?

for the people in Sderot it means 10 sec to find cover!!!!

Alder: 10-1007019 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet

Como Se Llega A La Guerra

El objetivo de esta peulá es entender cuáles son las causas por las cuales se llega a la guerra

Alder: 10-206723 visningarView DetailsVisa
Alder: 7-185665 visningarView DetailsVisa
Alder: 10-194752 visningarView DetailsVisa
Alder: 10-195175 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet

Fogel Family

מטרה: להדגיש את המסר החזק של משפחת פוגל, שאסור להתייאש לא משנה איזה רע קורה לך.

Alder: 10-158747 visningarView DetailsVisa
Alder: 12-188309 visningarView DetailsVisa
Alder: 10-194648 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet

La Tolerance Et Itshak Rabin

BUT : La choveret exploite divers sous-thèmes. Vous pouvez choisir d’axer le péoula sur un point en particulier ou en general, mais toujours en soulignant l’œuvre d’ Yitzhak Rabin.

Alder: 10-1610333 visningarView DetailsVisa

Rekommenderade länkar

Links to other sites about holidayes
Bar & Bat Mitzvah children are building a jewish world
You have reached the age of 12/13 and you are planning your Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Interact with Israeli friends your age, who will be your twin group! Learn an exciting and interactive educational program and for the first time – the program includes an unprecedented trip to Israel and an Oath to Jerusalem at the Western Wall!