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Idade: 10-188248 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Akeidat Yitzchak

To learn the story of Akeidat Yitzchak

To understand that Akeidat Yitzchak took place on what is now known as Har Habayit.

To discuss the issue of faith and trust in both Hashem and other people in relation to Akeidat Yitzchak and our everyday lives

Idade: 8-1512671 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Amalek - Parshat Zachor

Discuss Amalek, their history, and the relevant mitzvot relating to them.

Idade: 9-118633 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Anti-semitism And The Holocaust


1. You will begin to understand the nature and uniqueness of the Holocaust.

2. You should be able to begin to understand the enormity of the "war" against the Jews.

3. You should begin to understand that the Shoah was perpetrated by human beings - normal people who were fathers, mothers, architects, lawyers, engineers, doctors, church-goers, cultured people.

Idade: 8-189207 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Bnei R Akiva

Goal:  To discuss why our tnua is named after Rabbi Akiva, to review the meaning

behind Bnei Akiva rites and rituals.

Peulah:  You know your kvutza (e.g. whether they are active, contemplative, etc.) – select ONE of these peulot and adapt it as appropriate.  You may be able to get through both peulot but more likely, one will take up the majority of your time, and you do want to save some time for going through and explaining the “rites” and “rituals”

Idade: 10-168951 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Chutes And Yaacov's Ladder

Goal: To review the story of Yaacov and his dream and some trivia about

Israel, and of course to have fun!!

Idade: 1-128315 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade


Goal: Teach the story of Barak and Devora

Idade: 8-129044 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Ehud Ben Gera

Goals: Teach about the general pattern of Sefer Shoftim, and about the events of Ehud

Idade: 6-129195 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Eizehu Ashir – Hasame’ach Bechelko!

Goal: To teach the chanichim to be thankful for what they have ????

Idade: 8-1215689 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Eli Cohen

Goals: to learn about the 12 Meraglim (spies); To learn about Eli Cohen

Idade: 8-146505 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Eli Cohen

To learn about the 12 Meraglim (spies); To learn about Eli Cohen

Idade: 4-109109 ViewsView DetailsVista

Links Recomendados

The library
The library
A great website with stories & pics that you can use to teach Hebrew
Independance day from Zu Shlichut
Independance day from Zu Shlichut
loads of links for Israel's Independance day by Languege and age from the Jewish agency Shlichim support letter "Zu Shlichut"