Indoor Track And Field

פרטי הקובץ :

סוג פעולה : משחק בשפה: אנגלית

גילאים 10 - 18

גודל קבוצה 10 - 58

משך הפעולה : 45 דקות

פרטים נוספים...

הערות ותגובות

נצפה: 2560
הורד: 1426

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תוכן הפעולה

·        Indoor Track And Field – the players are divided up into teams competing in these events:

1.      shot put – the “shot” is a balloon; furthest throw wins.

2.      javelin – the javelin is a straw; furthest throw wins.

3.      discus throw – the discus is a paper plate; furthest throw wins.

4.      broad jump – on one foot; furthest jump wins.

5.      running broad grin – grin as wide as possible; widest grin wins.

6.      50yard dash – run any distance with a peanut or egg on your head.

7.      basket throw – a can is the basket and the ball is a crumpled piece of paper.

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