Tu B'shvat Scavenger Hunt - חפש תמטמון לט"ו בשבט

פרטי הקובץ :

סוג פעולה : פעולה בשפה: אנגלית

גילאים 8 - 12

גודל קבוצה 10 - 25

משך הפעולה : 60 דקות

פרטים נוספים...


Tu_Bishvat_scavenger_hunt-_ENG.doc (28 KB)

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מטרת הפעולה

to continue our focus on Tu B'shvat

עזרים נדרשים

below key (Suggested), envelopes prepared with letters that belong to the name of a fruit (one for each place), a prize/snack for the end



תוכן הפעולה

Tu B'Shvat Scavenger Hunt


Written by: Cleveland


Suggested Age: Chevraya Aleph

Goals: to continue our focus on Tu B'shvat

Suitable for Shabbat (requires prior preparation)


Materials: below key (Suggested), envelopes prepared with letters that belong to the name of a fruit (one for each place), a prize/snack for the end



Instructions for the Scavenger hunt: Right after Mifkad you will receive on envelope with letters and a piece of paper. This piece of paper will be your key. There will be a name of fruit and next to it there will be the place that that fruit leads you.


The letters will make up the name of a fruit but the kids have to unscramble the letters to make the name of the fruit. The fruit might be in Hebrew or English.


Stage 4: Take the kids on the scavenger hunt by the same process as above--You get the scrambled letters the kids unscramble it once it is unscrambled look up the fruit on the list to see what place it refers to and go to that place and begin the process over again.


Stage 5: I hope by the end of the scavenger hunt it will be time for shira but if not take your kids back to your normal room and play a game.


Good Luck and Shabbat Shalom!


Key (fit it to your own venue)


Mango - Main Stair Well


Tomatoes - Kitchen


Blueberry - Girls/Boys Bathroom Downstairs


Raspberry - Playroom


Pineapple - Shul


Grapes - Back Stairwell


Avocado - Snack Room


Oranges - Girls/Boys Bathroom 2nd Floor


Banana - coat room


Peaches - Bnei Akiva mailbox


Apples - hallway on 3rd floor


Starfruit - lobby


Strawberry - Kollel room


Lemon - front entrance


Paths (suggested if your group is an appropriate size)


4th and 5th Girls 6th Grade Girls 4th Boys 5th Boys 6th Boys


Color: Purple        Blue              Green       Yellow   Red


Mango                    Blueberry     Lemon     Apples     Grapes


Oranges                 Tomatoes        Peaches  Strawberry Avocado


Pineapple                Rasberry       Grapes     Blueberry Oranges


Avocado                 Grapes         Starfruit     Banana  Pineapple


Banana                 Starfruit         Rasberry     Pineapple Blueberry


Blueberry             Oranges         Tomatoes     Oranges     Banana


Apples                 Peaches         Blueberry     Avocado   Strawberry


Strawberry           Lemon          Mango         Grapes        Apples


Lemon                 Strawberry   Avocado       Tomatoes   Rasberry


Starfruit               Apples            Oranges         Rasberry     Tomatoes


Peaches               Banana           Pineapple       Mango         Starfruit


Grapes                Pineapple         Banana          Starfruit       Mango


Rasberry            Avocado           Strawberry      Peaches      Lemon


Tomatoes           Mango             Apples             Lemon       Peaches


End with a snack.


הערות כלליות

requires prior preparation

פעולות דומות ניתן למצוא גם בקטגוריות הבאות:
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» הכל > חגים ומועדים > טו' בשבט
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