The Yom Yerushalaim Challenge - פעילות יום ירושלים

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Type de ressource: peoula (activite) dans: English

Ans 7 - 12

Taille du groupe 10 - 30

Temps estime: 45 minutes

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Yom_yerushalayim_Challenge.doc (22 KB)

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For the Chanichim/students to learn more about Yom Yerushalayim and recognize the religious, historic and diplomatic significance this day represents.

Contenu de la ressource
1)      Xtreme Yerushalayim musical chairs – regular musical chairs (to Yerushalayim themed music) with mesmimot….
2)      Yerushalayim Concentration – with questions relating to Yerushalayim (Tanach, modern day etc.) and Yerushalayim phrase (i.e. yerushalayim shel zahav)
3)      6 relay races each representing one day of the war and an educational piece with each race (i.e. shooting out candles – representing the foot soldier combat in an effort to preserve the mekomot hakedoshim, balancing egg on spoon in mouth – representing the strategic planning of bringing in food and supplies to Jews in Yerushalayim before the war etc.)
Each team gets points for winning each race and there is a quiz at the end about the educational pieces connected to each race.
4)      מצגת with pictures of places that were not in our control pre 1967 and what they looked like and to contrast, pictures of those places today.
Review the various games and questions to go over all of the facts and ideas introduced and then move to a broader discussion about how important Yerushalayim is to the Jewish people from a historic, religious and diplomatic perspective.

Les ressources relatées peuvent etre trouver sous:
» All > Le calendrier juif > Yom Yeroushalaim
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