There Can Be Miracles? - ðñéí
Group Size:
Estimated Time:
Ask your chanichim what is a miracle. Do you believe in miracles? Has a miracle ever happened to you? If so, let them share their experience.
There can be miracles?
Ask your chanichim what is a miracle. Do you believe in miracles? Has a miracle ever happened to you? If so, let them share their experience.
Split your chanichim into five groups. Every group must make a skit that will show a miracle from the tanach. (give them the sources sheet)
The five miracles are:
1.The burning bush
2.The ten plagues
3.Kriyat yam suf
4.Manna in the desert
5.David and Goliath
After ten minutes, each group should present its skit, and the other chanichim should guess the miracle. One chanich from the group that presented will read from the source.
The burning bush:
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The ten plagues
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Kriyat yam suf
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Manna in the desert
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David and Goliath
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Do you think its good that there are miracles in the world? Do you think that it makes people put less effort, because they just rely on miracles?
Why when people talk about miracles they refer to huge things? Maybe it could be a small everyday occurrence.
So how it is connected to Chanukah? In Chanukah the Chashmonaim won the Greeks although they were the weak and with less people. The victory was a huge miracle!
Learning “Al Hanisim” with the Chanichim.
Make a Bristol board with the words of Al Hanisim, and take out some words, and let them fill in the blanks with cards that you’ve prepared.
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We learned that miracles happen everyday, all around us, and maybe we just need to pay closer attention to these miracles, and not just think about the large miracles of the Tanach. Maybe we all need to appreciate the small things a little bit more.
Chanuka quiz
1. Chanukah is known as
a. The Festival of Lights
b. TheHoliday of Rededication
c. The Jewish Christmas
d. The Yiddish Ramadan
2. The heroes of Chanukah lived in
a. AncientPalestine
b. AncientIsrael
c. The Occupied Territories
d. The Liberated Territories
e. A three-floor walk-up inBrooklyn
3. The Jews of the time of the first Chanukah worshipped
a. At theHoly Temple inJerusalem
b. At a less holy temple about ten miles west ofJerusalem
c. Wherever they could get High Holiday tickets
d. All of the above...except b. and c.
4. Suddenly, a new, cruel leader (what else is new?) came to power
the Jews, whose name was
a. Hafiz al-Assad
b. Yassir Arafat
c. Antiochus
d. Antisemite
e. Antibody
5. This evil leader abruptly commanded the Jews of his kingdom to
a. Eat pig
b. Eat at McDonald's
c. Eat everything on their plates
d. Become idol worshippers
6. There arose a brave elder among the Jewish people who helped
to lead a revolt against the Greeks, whose name was
a. Mattathias
b. Mattityahu
c. Matthew
d. Mendive the Poet
7. Mattityahu (what a relief-that's the answer to # 6) had sons by
the names of
a. Groucho,, Harpo, Zeppo and Gummo Chico
b. Huey, Dewey and Louis
c. Jacob, Joey, Jeremy and Christopher (his wife became less
traditional as she grew older)
d. Dah, could be Leroy, Leroy. Leroy and Leroy
8. The last name of this glorious family was
a. Marx (see #7a)
b. Duck (see #7b)
c. Abu ben Amir (it wasn't easy to be a Jew in those days)
d. Maccabee
9. The town in which the heroic family lived was
a. Modin
b. Mahwah
c.Crown Heights
d.Farfallen Heights
10. Where did the Jews fight the Greeks?
a. AtEntebbe
b. At Natanya
c. Through thick and thin
d. With blood, sweat and tears
11. In order to purify the, the Jews had to Holy Temple
a. Get a good cleaning person who would do floors
b. Get a good cleaning person who would do walls and windows too
(now that's a miracle!)
c. Get rid of the chazar-fleisch
d. Get some lamp oil
12. The oil the Maccabees found was sufficient for only
a. One day
b. Seven days
c. Seven days in, eight in the Diaspora (go figure) Israel
13. But there was a great miracle, as the oil used for resanctifying
theended up lasting Temple
a. Until it needed an oil change
b. Twelve days
c. Twelve days, but for you, eight days
14. Hannah was a heroine of the first Chanukah, who had
a. Five daughters
b. No, it was Tevye the Fiddler who had five daughters
c. Seven sons
d. Six sons
15. One of the great coincidences of history is that:
a. Chanukah begins on the 25th day of the Hebrew month Kislev
b. Christmas takes place on the 25th day of the Julian month of
c. Chanukah and charoset (from Passover) both start with "ch"
16. Among the Talmudic rulings on this holiday is that:
a. The Chanukiya must be lit at sunset
b. The Chanukiya should be placed outside the entrance of one's house
c. The Chanukiya should be set on a window nearest the street
d. a b and c are correct
e. Chanukah used to be the day before Tu B'Shvat but the rabbis
moved it to avoid forest fires
17. Jewish women are obligated to also light the Chanukiya
a. They were included in the miracle, according to Tractate Shabbat,
b.they should’nt light
c. because it’s even more important than shabbat’s candels
18. One of the major debates in the Talmud involves:
a. The House of Shammai suggesting that we light eight lights on the
first night of Chanukah, and then one less each following night
b. The House of Hillel suggesting that we light one light on the first
night, and then one more each following night
c.a and b are correct
d.Rabbi Yehuda suggesting that you can do both as the house of Hilel or as the house of Shamai
19. Because Chanukah is considered such a joyous holiday, Jews are
a. Forbidden to eulogize the dead
b. Forbidden to make Melacha
c. Forbidden to cover their neighbor's Christmas lights, especially
since the concept was stolen from the holiday lights of Chanukah,
20. Al-Hanissim is added to Birkat Hamazon during the eight days of Chanukah.
It translates as:
a. "Thanks for the Miracles."
b. "Thanks for the Memories"
c.”Please we need a miracle”.
21. A long-accepted tradition of Jews around the world is for the
parents to give their children:
a. Chanukah gelt (money), over the eight days of the holiday
22. On the holiday of Chanukah, millions of Jews all over the world
a. Spin the dreidel
b. Hang the mistletoe
c. Book a cruise for Easter
d. Decorate a Chanukah Bush
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