Jewish Holidays

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Centrality Of The Beit Hamikdash And Yerushal...

Chevraya Aleph: Grades 1-6

Goal: To teach the chanichim the central role Yerushalayim plays in the Jewish world, and how this is seen through Aliyah L’Regel, and in Shmoneh Esreh.

Zach Grades 7-8

Goal: To teach the chanichim the centrality of Yerushalayim and the Beit Hamikdash, and how we should always be focused on it (whether by living there or by keeping it in our minds).

Chevraya Bet Grades 9-12

Goal: For the chanichim to understand why it is that all Jews, religious and secular alike, feel a kesher with Yerushalayim and see it as the center of the Jewish World

Ages: 8-1715606 viewsView DetailsView

10 Tevet

Teach the chanachim about the fight between the jews and the babalonians for Yerushalayim.

Ages: 8-136604 viewsView DetailsView

Seder--shfoch Chamatcha

To show that there are mixed messages in the haggada, the overall message being that we must have compassion for everyone in the world, even those who do not have compassion for us.

Ages: 8-129554 viewsView DetailsView

Presentation Of Jerusalem Six Day War

40 Slides about Jerusalem in the 6 day war

Ages: 10-1004936 viewsView DetailsView

Shavuot And Megillat Ruth

1. To learn about Shavuot through its many names2. To consider the different minhagim (customs) of Shavuot and understand their relevance3. To know the 'story' of Megillat Ruth

Ages: 9-115062 viewsView DetailsView

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pics from the Sigd
The Judaism site
The Judaism site
Divrey Torah, Parashat Shavua and articles. Information and updates according to the jewish calendar
Torah Tots
Torah Tots
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Lyrics of famous Israeli songs transalated to English
Lyrics of famous Israeli songs transalated to English
50 Years of Hebrew Song, many lyrics for Israeli and hebrew songs transalated to English from the MFA
The Religious Zionism Debate
The Religious Zionism Debate
Essays Regarding the Religious Significance of the Modern State of Israel