Questions For Children – Megillat Ruth
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- How many sons did elimelech and Naomi have, and what were their names?
- What city did elimelech and his family leave in the beginning of the Sefer?
- What was the guy’s name, who wouldn’t marry rut?
- The workers responded to Bo’az with “Yevarchecha Hashem.” How did Bo’az greet them in the beginning?
- In the very first mention of Rut and Orpa in the Sefer, the Tanach doesn’t give their names. How does the Tanach call them?
- “VaTakam Hee VeKaloteiha” – who does that refer to? Who’s “Hee” and who’re “Kaloteiha”?
- Passuk alef in perek alef describes a family. What are the names of all the family members described in Passuk Alef?
- Why did Naomi finally decide to return to her home-town (in perek alef) and leave Mo’av?
- How many times did Naomi have to convince Orpa not to come until Orpa actually turned back?
- Who is called “Mo’avia”?
- Who wanted to be called “Mara”?
- Describe the process of Yibum/Ge’ula.
- Who was called “Gibor Cha’il”?
- Who was called “Eshet Cha’il”?
- “Vayelech Ish MiBet Lechem Yehuda” – who is that ‘Ish’?
- Consider the following background information: David Hamelech was made king by Shmu’el, the last of the Shoftim.
Rashi says that the Megilla takes place in the time of the Shoftim. Prove his statement with a Passuk from the Sefer and explain it.
- What was the role of the Zkenim in Megillat Ruth?
- Why was Bo’az happy with Ruth when she came to the Goren? What did he thank her for?
- What other woman was Ruth compared to when she married Bo’az?
- What other couple were Ruth and Bo’az compared to when they got married?
- Why did Rut have to leave the Goren before sunrise?
- According to what Bo’az told her, where could Rut drink from while she was in the field?
Who said to who?
- áàùø úîåúé àîåú?
- ëé éöàä áé éã ä'?
- ìëðä ùáðä?
- åâìéú îøëáúéå?
- ìîé äðòøä äæàú?
- åôøùú ëðôê òì àîúê?
- ÷øàï ìé îøä ëé äîø ùãé ìé îàåã?
- äéèáú çñãê äàçøåï îï äøàùåï?
- åéäé áéúê ëáéú ôøõ àùø éìãä úîø ìéäåãä?
- ëé ëìúê àùø àäáúê... èåáä ìê îùáòä áðéí?
- çé ä' ùëáé òã äáå÷ø?
- ëä éòùä ä' ìé åëä éåñéó?
- àìëä ðä äùãä åàì÷èä áùáåìéí?
True of false:
- Elimelech and his family settled in the city of
.Mo’av - Naomi and Rut came to Bet Lechem at the end of the harvest.
- Naomi thanks Rut for her three chasadim that she did for her.
- Naomi and her family stayed in Mo’av exactly ten years.
- Naomi tried three times to persuade Rut to go back to her nation, and then she gave up.
- Rut collected wheat from many different fields throughout the harvest season.
- Rut had to wait two weeks before Bo’az got around to settle her Ge’ula at the Sha’ar.
- Bo’az at first didn’t agree that Rut will collect in his field.
- Naomi walked back from Mo’av with Rut and Orpa.
- Bo’az gave Rut a very small piece of bread, but she was still satisfied and full from it.
- Elimelech was a hard-working businessman.
- Bo’az was a descendant of Yehudah.
- Machlon and Chilyon died because they left
.Israel - Naomi asked to be called Mara after the whole city laughed at her misfortunes.
- Bo’az was sleeping in the middle of the group of workers when Rut came to the storage house (the Goren).
- Bo’az came to the Sha’ar to do business with the merchants there.
- Rut came to visit Bo’az in the Goren very close to sunrise.
Fill in the blank
1. Machlon married _____ and Chilyon married ______.
2. In order to do Yibum, the Go’el has to buy both the ______ and the deceased’s ______.
3. Bo’az gave birth to ______ who gave birth to ______ who gave birth to David.
4. Rut ate her bread/Pita dipped in __________.
explain the significance of the place in the Sefer, and one major event that happened there.
- The Goren (the storage house)
- Sdei Mo’av
- Bet Lechem
- The Sha’ar (the entrance to the town)
- I collected wheat in the field. Rut
- I was the one who suffered G-d’s wrath. Naomi
- I died before my own children. Elimelech
- I married a convert. Bo’az
- I did not stick with my mother-in-law. Orpa
- I’m the desecendant of a Mo’avia who converted. David
- People said I was Naomi’s son. Oved
- My wife became a woman of chesed following my death. Machlon
- We answered back to Bo’az “Yevarchecha Hashem”. Workers
- I told Bo’az who the new girl in the field was. Person in charge of workers
- We named Rut’s son, and called him Naomi’s son. The neighbors
- Me and my brother died while we were in Mo’av. Chilyon
Match the clue to the right number in the Sefer. Example: the number of prakim in Megillat Rut – 4.
1. The number of people in elimelech’s family
2. The number of sons Rut in compared to after her marriage with Bo’az by the Women.
3. the number of generations from Bo’az to David (including both)
4. the number of people Bo’az took to be Edim in the ge’ula ceremony at the Sha’ar
5. the number of Shibolim Bo’az gives to Rut after the night at the Goren
6. the number of years Naomi stayed in Mo’av
7. the number of people walking back from Mo’av when the Sefer starts.
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