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Ages: 10-188837 viewsView DetailsView
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Ages: 10-184903 viewsView DetailsView
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Ages: 10-184163 viewsView DetailsView

The Vanishing Flame

It was the first night of Chanukah. Outside a snowstorm raged, but inside it was tranquil and warm. The Rebbe, Rabbi Baruch of Mezhibuz, grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, stood in front of the menorah, surrounded by a crowd of his Chassidim.

Ages: 6-1003154 viewsView DetailsView

There Can Be Miracles?

Ask your chanichim what is a miracle.  Do you believe in miracles?  Has a miracle ever happened to you?  If so, let them share their experience.

Ages: 8-125833 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 10-185596 viewsView DetailsView

Who Are These People Lighting Chanukiot?

Goal: Identify who's lighting the candels

Ages: 6-1001720 viewsView DetailsView

Who Is A Hero?

A PTT with a discussion who is a hero

Ages: 13-173434 viewsView DetailsView

Who Want To Be A Millionaire For Chanukah

A PTT about Chanukah in a Who Want to Be a Millionaire game.

Ages: 6-136729 viewsView DetailsView

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Chanukah Videos on YouTube
Chanukah Videos on YouTube
Links to movies about Chanuka on Youtube
Ohr Somayach- Chanuka
Ohr Somayach- Chanuka
History, stories, laws (Mitzvot) & alot of articles about chanuka
Jewish - Holidays - Chanukka
Jewish - Holidays - Chanukka
Links to movies, ideas for peulot, pics, recipes in all languages!