All Together Now- Arba Minim
Goals: To teach the chanichim that
1. Every person has something special and different to contribute to the Klal.
2. Achdut means bringing different people together for a common goal.
3. This is the message of the Arba Minim
Ages: 10-14 | 32767 views | View |
Back To Basics-succot
Noseh: Appreciating Hashem through nature
Goal: To teach the chanichim that
1. Natural beauty is a way to appreciate God in the world
2. Succot is a time-out we take to reconnect to nature, in order to appreciate Hashem’s wondrous creation.
3. While appreciating nature, we also need to appreciate our dependence on Hashem.
Ages: 7-8 | 9795 views | View |
Ideas For Activities- Starting The Year And C...
All ages should have a chance to: get to know their Shevet and their Madrichim, hear what the plans for the year are and have a fun event so that they will want to come back for more.
Ages: 10-15 | 11876 views | View |
Ages: 15-100 | 7913 views | View |
Ages: 6-13 | 8445 views | View |
Rain, Rain Don't Go Away
Goals: To teach chanichim
1. About the importance of water in life,
2. Why Hashem chose a land wiyout a steady water supply
3. The connection of water and Succot.
Ages: 10-14 | 10479 views | View |
Spreading The Love-shmini Atzeret
Noseh: The lesson of Shmini Atzeret: G-d loves us, and he doesn’t want to let go.
Goal: To create an experience for the chanichim to help them understand why we have Shemini Atzeret.
Ages: 6-14 | 10759 views | View |
Sukka Hop--trivia Game
to learn about sukkot, but more importantly, to have fun!!!!
Ages: 6-12 | 7667 views | View |
Sukkah Hop - Journeys
Welcome to Bnei Akiva! This year we are starting snif off with a hop! A sukkah hop is an especially fun snif, and it’s the perfect chance to make a great first impression with your chanichim. Be friendly, enthusiastic, fun, yourselves! The theme for this year’s Sukkah hop is ‘
Mission from Mitzrayim’. We, as Bnei Yisrael did, are travelling from Mitzrayim to Sukkot to Midbar Sinai to Arvot Moav and then (phew) finally, to Eretz Yisrael. Each group will have a map of the area, and your Roshei Snif will tell you which house is which location on the map for your group. One sukkah will have a quiz, one will have a game, and one will have a story.
Ages: 10-15 | 7225 views | View |
4 Minim Quiz
חידות על ארבעת המינים של סוכות
Ages: 12-14 | 15606 views | View |
He & She For Tishrey
משחקי מילים של היא והוא לחגי תשרי
Ages: 10-13 | 18133 views | View |
Hidden Words For Sucoot
משחק מילים מתחבאות לחג הסוכות
Ages: 10-12 | 10217 views | View |
Recommended Links
2 short film on the Arba Minim
many types of activities for Sukkot like colouring, building a Sukkah etc;