Kadima Bnei Akiva - ÷ãéîä áðé ò÷éáà, äéãã áîòìä
Detalles del archivo:
Tipo de recursos: Peula Idiomoa: English
Edad 8 - 12
Cantidad de participantes en el grupo 10 - 50
Tiempo estimado: 44 minutos
Objetivo del recurso
1.The Chanich will recognize the Tnuah (Movement) for its history and its function today.
2.The Chanich will Recognize the Tnuah’s values and will understand the meaning of the Semel and the Sisma (slogan)
3.The Chanich will understand and recognize the important meaning and function that we have and will feel he belongs to something.
Apoyo requerido y Materiales
Things to prepare:
1. 2
2. smaller picture of a semel to show the chanichim
3. the song Yad Achim divided and cut up into 12 lines
4. a copy of the story in Source #2
Contenidos de los recursos
"÷ãéîä áðé ò÷éáà, äéãã áîòìä!"
By Rachel Gemara
1.The Chanich will recognize the Tnuah (Movement) for its history and its function today.
2.The Chanich will Recognize the Tnuah’s values and will understand the meaning of the Semel and the Sisma (slogan)
3.The Chanich will understand and recognize the important meaning and function that we have and will feel he belongs to something.
3.short discussion
Things to prepare:
1. 2 bristol boards (same size), 1 is cut up into 12 pieces, the other one has a picture of a semel on it.
2. smaller picture of a semel to show the chanichim
3. the song Yad Achim divided and cut up into 12 lines
4. a copy of the story in Source #2
The following game will be played with the chanichim: somewhere in the room there will be a square Bristol board. The square is actually composed of 2 bristol boards. The first one (the covered one) will have a picture of the Bnei Akiva Semel. The top Bristol board will be split into 9 or 12 separate parts (so that the pieces are covering the semel drawn on the Bristol board underneath). Each piece will be attached by a paper clip so that it can easily be taken off when needed.
For example:
The Bristol on Top: The Bristol underneath:
Notice how on half the pieces there will be a √ and on the other half there will be flowers. On the middle pieces hiding theú and ò, there will be group task.
Rules of the Game:
The Chanichim in the room will be divided into 2 groups. Every group on their turn must choose a “card” from a hat (or a bag). In the hat there will be 2 cards, on one of them is a picture of a flower, on the other one there is a picture of a checkmark.
A group that got a flower – will get a task
A group that got a checkmark – will get a question
• They will choose which checkmark or flower on the board they want to take off.
Remember how there are 2 cards hiding the ú and ò, underneath them it will say “group task” and will be done only at the end of the game. So if a chanich chooses that piece, tell him he must choose a different one for now.
• If the group didn’t succeed in accomplishing the task or answering the question correctly – go to the next group (and they choose a card from the hat)
• By the way, make sure to make it a little bit easier for your chanichim, it could be that they don’t know anything, so try and direct them towards a right answer. Without taking off all of the pieces, we won’t be able to finish the game.
• The tasks and questions can be found in Source #1 at the end
After the pieces have been removed, only the 2 middle ones remain (the ones hiding the ú and ò), and underneath them it says “group task”.
Tell the Chanichim that in order to take off those pieces they have to go out and find a missing letter. The letter contains the story of how bnei akiva started. If you’re chanichim are young you can tell them that this letter was hidden in the snif many years ago and no one has ever found it, the chanichim must go out and look for the letter and find it. (if you’re kids are really little, and you’re scared that if they leave the room then they wont come back, then hide the letter in the room). You, the madrich should prepare the letter before Shabbat. The letter can be found in Source #2. (The letter should be hidden before the peulah). The letter is divided into separate paragraphs so that every chanich gets a chance to read something and they don’t get bored.
3.Short discussion:
After you read the story ask the chanichim:
1. Why do they think it’s important to be part of a youth movement?
2. Why Bnei Akiva (try to get them to talk about bnei akiva’s sismah: Torah V’Avodah.)
3. What is Torah V’Avodah anyways?
Now remove the 2 middle pieces covering the ú and ò.
Explain to the chanichim that in order to be a chanich in bnei akiva we need to know what the sismah of bnei akiva is and what its objectives are.
Try to explain it to the chanichim step by step:
úåøä- the mitzvot and way of jewish life that was given to us by Hashem.
òáåãä- simply put, everyone “goes to work”. We make a living, we build, and we go forward. Life- Avodah is life – useful actions. In order to build something, we need to work. We want to build something big, something huge, something that will change the world. In order to do this we need to work hard. But how will we know in which direction to work? In the direction of the Torah, with what Hashem told us.
úåøä åòáåãä- This is our path. A path of ÷éåí úåøä åîöååú, along with actions to build the nation and the land.
Sources: Questions and Tasks for Game:
Questions (the answers are bold)
1. How Many Snifim are there in Toronto?
a) 4
b) 6
c) 5
d) 3
2. Who is Yechiel Eliash?
a) The first Rosh Snif ever
b) Founder of Bnei Akiva
c) The person that made up name of Bnei Akiva
d) The first Shaliach in Toronto
3. What does BCLTVA stand for? (Hint: it’s in Hebrew)
Bircat Chaverim L’Torah V’Avodah
4. True or False:
“Bnei Akiva started from a Soccer Game” (true)
5. Bnei Akiva members have a Bracha they say. What is it?
a) ÷ãéîä áðé ò÷éáà!
b) äéãã áîòìä
c) ä' òîëí! éáøëê ä'
e) How’s it going?
f) What’s up?
1. You and your team mates have 1 minute to arrange the lines of éã àçéí, in the correct order.
2. The whole team must sing a song that Rabbi Akiva is mentioned in.
3. Match the people with their role in Bnei Akiva
(1) Deena Zimmerman
(2) Ayala and Avital
(3) Ariela and Avi
(4) Shira and Zack
(a) Roshei Zach
(b) Mazkirat Galil of Toronto
© Shlichot of Bnei Akiva
(d) Roshei Aleph
4. Your team must differentiate between the values of Bnei Akiva and values that are not of Bnei Akiva. (Your Madrich/a will read you the list and you must decide which one belongs in which category)
List of Values:
Am Yisrael
Fun Activities
Learning Torah
Making Aliyah
Local Hangout for kids in the neighborhood
Lessening the Boredom
Laugh and games for kids and teenagers
Eretz Yisrael
Baby-sitting for kids
Torat Yisrael
running around with no parent supervision
Settling in the land of Israel
5. You have 2 minutes to identify all the symbols in the Bnei Akiva Semel, and say what they represent. (Your Madrichim will show you a picture of the Semel)
6. Your team must choose a person that must speak about Bnei Akiva for 1 minute without pausing.
Comentario sobre el recurso
3.short discussion
Recursos relacionados se pueden encontrar en:
» Todo > Bnei Akiva > Sobre Bnei Akiva» Todo > Bnei Akiva > Ideolog?a
» Todo > Bnei Akiva > Torah VaAvoda
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