Featured Events From December:
28 December, 5763 (23 Tevet, 2002): Noam Apter in Yeshivat Otniel
12 December, 1995 (19 Kislev, 5756): Rabbi Moshe Zvi Neria-yertziet
17 December, 1937 (13 Tevet, 5698): hazofe-becoming a daily newspaper
16 December, 1922 (26 Kislev, 5683): Eliezer Ben Yehuda-yertziet
31 December, 1888 (27 Tevet, 5649): Samson Raphael Hirsch-passed away
hazofe-becoming a daily newspaper
Ivri Date: 13 Tevet, 5698
English Date: 17 December, 1937
HaTzofe (Hebrew: הצופה, The Observer) was a Hebrew language daily newspaper published in Israel. In April 2007, it was reduced to weekly publication.
According to the paper's website, its point of view is Zionist, nationalist and religious. It claimed to be the only daily newspaper of the Israeli political right, with an emphasis on religious Zionism. The newspaper had been associated in its past to the Mizrachi movement as well as being the beacon of National Religious Party.
In the May 2003, Shlomo Ben-Tzvi purchased the newspaper and in 2004, he purchased the weekly Makor Rishon as well. On April 25 2007, HaTzofe stopped publishing a daily edition, instead becoming a weekly insert in Makor Rishon which instead began daily operations.