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Ten References To A Sound - òùøä î÷åøåú ì÷åìåú äùåôø

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Typ av resurs: Shiur/ lektion in: Engelska
Ålder: 14-17
Storlek: 6-30
Beräknad tid: 30 minutes

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different Mekerot (sources) that refer to the use of the shofar at various important moments in the history of the Jewish people.


“Ten references to a sound”

Your group has received an envelope containing two different Mekerot (sources) that refer to the use of the shofar at various important moments in the history of the Jewish people. You should:

  • Look them up in the Bible.

  • Read them and try to describe their context by looking at the verses before and after the quotes given.

  • Complete the following table.

(Note! The completed table is for the teacher only. The students should receive a blank copy of the table.)







PSALM 98:6


“So all creation sang a song to the Lord, with pianos and violins. Guitars and harps, saxophones and Shofarot, made creative and harmonious melodies for the Lord”

On Rosh Hashanah we remember God as the creator.




Leviticus 23:24

“Speak to the children of Israel, and say: On the seventh month, on the first day of the month, shall be a solemn rest for you, a memorial proclaimed with the sounding of the Shofar, a holy convocation”.

The sounds of the shofar served as a warning, a cry or waking call to remind and summon the community.



Exodus 19:10

“The sound of the Shofar grew louder and louder…”

A reminder of the moment when the Torah was received at Sinai, when the great noise of the powerful shofarot was heard.



Ezekiel 33 4-5

“If he heard the sound of the Shofar but did not heed the warning, his blood shall be upon himself…”

In remembrance of the prophet’s words. The voice of the prophets has been compared to the sound of the shofar.



Jeremiah 4:19

“You have heard the sound of the Shofar, oh my soul, the sound of war”.

The shofar was used in war and therefore it reminds us of all the killings, massacres, destruction, and wars.



Genesis 22:13

“And Abraham lifted his eyes and saw, and behold! A ram behind, caught in a thicket by its horns…. Abraham took the ram, offering it to God in the place of his son”. 

When the patriarch Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, to God, he blew the shofar. At this time, therefore, we remember the anniversary of this episode.



Amos 3:6

“Can a Shofar be blown in a city, and the people not tremble?”

The sound of the shofar stirred everyone from sleep and produced a state of alertness that induced serious thought.



Zephaniah 1: 14-16

“The day of the Lord is near, very near, it is coming now…it is the day of the Shofar and of a great clamor”.

In remembrance of the prophesy that the sound of the great Shofar would be heard on Judgment Day.



Isaiah 27:13

“And on that day the roar of a great Shofar will be heard and the dispersed people will return from the land of Assyria”.

The Shofar was sounded when the exiles were reunited in the Era of Macias.



Isaiah 18:3

“All you inhabitants of the world, and you dwellers on the earth, when a banner is lifted up on the mountains, look! When the Shofar sounds, listen!”

The dead would be resuscitated when the great Shofar was sounded in the Era of Mashiah.

There will be a group discussion once all the subgroups have finished.   

  1. The participants should list the main actions that led to the sounding of the shofar in the third column (reasons).

  2. Question: What can we say, therefore, about the role of the shofar in Jewish tradition in terms of history and of the present time?

Conclusion of the activity:

1. The teacher will ask the group to compare the first list created from their initial answers with the sources that have been studied.

2. Finally, the group as a whole should decide on an explanation of why the Jewish people sounded and continue to sound the shofar.

3. The teacher will display the explanation in the classroom.


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