World Bnei Akiva MovementCenter for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora
The Online Hadracha Center
מרכז ההדרכה המקוון

Peace Of Galilee War - Presentation - מצגת על מלחמת שלום הגליל

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Typ av resurs: Presentation in: Engelska
Ålder: 16-100
Storlek: 20-100
Beräknad tid: 20 minutes

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Granskad: 8696
Nerladdad: 1370

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טוב מאד
By: 2/24/2014 7:40:00 AM por moshe frid

Resurs mål
Basic guide lines of the war - detailed

Behövligt material
You will need a projector

Pics, maps and explanation

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