World Bnei Akiva MovementCenter for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora
The Online Hadracha Center
מרכז ההדרכה המקוון

K.3. Road Map

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Typ av resurs: Spel in: Engelska
Ålder: 10-18
Storlek: 10-58
Beräknad tid: 45 minutes

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An experienced moderator should be responsible for running this exercise, as there will be private moments and shared ones which might be sensitive.
A large sheet of paper per person and pencil, or felt-tip pen, are required.

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K.3. Road Map

Each person is asked to make a road map of his or her life so far, beginning with birth and extending to the present. Each map should somehow show the good places (either scenic, or open road) or the bad places (bumpy spots, etc.), hospital (road works, etc.). Participants shoud also include barriers, detours, and the general direction of their present course.

Each participant then compares his or her life’s past course with an imagined future, i.e., goals, etc.
- What are these goals
- How will they be achieved?
- What has made the good spots?
The moderator goes around the room and asks each person explain what s/he drew (without feedback).


1.        Participants may extend the road map into the future (conjecture, daydreams)
2. They may construct lists of positive and negative problems and events, for which they will need to decide on points system, to help them evaluate their life.
3. The group can role play passing detours, etc.

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