World Bnei Akiva MovementCenter for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora
The Online Hadracha Center
מרכז ההדרכה המקוון

17 Tamuz

Shiur/ lektion

Destruction & Redemption

Goals: The chanichim will understand that even though we morn the חורבן, חורבן in itself is the first step of the גאולה.

Alder: 13-168346 visningarView DetailsVisa
Shiur/ lektion

Jerusalem And Unity

To teach the chanichim about the essential nature of unity in Jerusalem

Alder: 8-146982 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet

Peoula Sur Le Horban

Faire comprendre aux Hanihim pourquoi le 2e Beth Hamikdash a été detruit .

Alder: 9-137956 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet

Tamuz 17th

Goals: The chanichim will understand that רבן יוחנן בן זכאי and חז"ל created different ways for עם ישראל to remember בית המקדש and to continue throughout the ages to hope and pray for its rebuilding. In addition, the chanichim will internalize the idea that it’s worth pursuing goals that seem far off or that won’t necessarily actualize in our own times, because it’s the people who dream that start and get others to complete the task. For example, even though it seems that one Jew making aliya or teaching about it won't make a big difference, it takes those people to get the weal turning.

Alder: 15-178595 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet

The Churban Of Beit Ha'mikdash

O     החניך ידע מהי סיבת חורבן הבית.

O     החניך יכיר כמה ירושלים יקרה לנו מתוך מנהגי האבלות ומרכזיותו של תשעה באב בעולם היהודי.

O     החניך ירצה בעז"ה להיות שותף לקירוב בניין בית המקדש ע"י הוספת אהבת חינם.

Alder: 6-1022688 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet

Wondering Where You Been?!

Goal: While dealing with a song that talks about the Beit Hamikdash in its state of destruction, we will bring up a few questions: Do we really ‘care’ about Beit Hamikdash? Why should we really care and what does Beit Hamikdash actually mean and represent.

Alder: 14-179909 visningarView DetailsVisa

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National Photo Collection
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