Kelev Miscain (poor Dog)

Detalhes do ficheiro:

Recurso Tipo: Jogo em: English
Idade: 10-18
O tamanho do grupo: 10-57
Tempo estimado: 45 minutos

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TYPE: Shtick

Play in a circle

One player is chosen to be the "dog." The “dog” crawls to any person and barks twice. that person must pat the "dog" on the head twice and say "Kelev miscain, kelev miscain." If that person smiles while saying "Kelev miscain," he then becomes the "dog."


Hint:  Tell the "dog" that he should try to make the people laugh, only by barking or making faces.

Recursos relacionados pode ser encontrada em:
» Todas > Jogos > Jogos em grupo
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