Modern Sculpture

Detalhes do ficheiro:

Recurso Tipo: Jogo em: English
Idade: 10-18
O tamanho do grupo: 10-55
Tempo estimado: 45 minutos

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Recurso Conteúdo


(Variation of Hot or Cold)

TYPE: Moderate

One player is chosen to leave the room.  Five to fifteen players are then chosen to assume statuesque positions.  One of these positions is selected by the group as the "secret position." The player reenters and he must try to pick out the player who assumed the "secret position." The group assists him by singing louder or softer depending whether he gets closer or further from the selected player.  If the player selects the correct statue on the first attempt, he wins.

Variation #1:   Instead of having only one chance to pick the correct position, allow up to three chances to pick the correct position.

Variation #2:   Teams are chosen.  One player from each team leaves the room.  Only the players from the team of the person who reenters sings.  The team whose player finds the "statue" first wins.


Recursos relacionados pode ser encontrada em:
» Todas > Jogos > Jogos em grupo
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