The Gypsy

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Recurso Tipo: Jogo em: English
Idade: 10-18
O tamanho do grupo: 10-55
Tempo estimado: 45 minutos

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TYPE: Active

Play in a large area

One player is chosen to be the "gypsy." He is seated and the others stand in a circle, slowly moving around him.  While moving they chant the following (while the "gypsy" acts it out): "the first hour the gypsy is asleep"; "the second hour the gypsy is asleep" (and so on until the seventh hour); “the eighth hour the gypsy wakes up”; “the ninth hour the gypsy dresses;” “the tenth hour the gypsy washes;” “the eleventh hour the gypsy gets ready;” “the twelfth hour the gypsy runs.” On these three words the circle breaks up and the players run.  The "gypsy" chases them and the first one caught (tagged) becomes the new "gypsy."


Variation:  The person caught by the gypsy then joins him in the circle.  Play is repeated with the two gypsies.  This time both gypsies each tag one person who joins them in the circle.  Play repeats itself until the last X players remain untagged and they win.

Recursos relacionados pode ser encontrada em:
» Todas > Jogos > Jogos em grupo
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