Melave Malka

Detalhes do ficheiro:

Recurso Tipo: Materia em: English
Idade: 8-18
O tamanho do grupo: 1-50
Tempo estimado: 5 minutos

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Recurso Conteúdo

On Saturday night the Smiths kindly hosted a מלווה מלכה for Zach. Everyone had a blast singing. נדב played the guitar, שמעיהplayed bongo, and יגאל made a great PowerPoint with the words of the songs and lovely pictures. The madrichim added a ton og ruach to the singing. Kudos to Raffi for the great דבר תורה. The food was great , the singing was wonderful, the night was a hit.


By Rebecca  Borison 6910405 

Recursos relacionados pode ser encontrada em:
» Todas > Bnei Akiva > Geral
» Todas > Treats
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