
The Song Aleph-bet - שיר האלף בית

File details:

Resource Type: Game in: English
Age: 10-18
Group Size: 10-55
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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TYPE: Moderate

The players are divided into teams.  The first team must start a song starting with an aleph.  When the song is over (or when the leader stops it), the second team must start a song with a bet.  When the song is completed, the third team starts a song with the third letter, a gimmel, and so on.  If a team can not sing a song with the letter they are out.  Play continues until only X number of teams remain.


Hint:  To keep the game moving, a time limit (30 seconds) should be set on the singing of each song.

Related Resources can be found under:
» Alles > Spelletjes > Sociale Spelletjes
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