

File details:

Resource Type: Peula in: English
Age: 7-18
Group Size: 10-50
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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Resource Goal

Why do you do what you do?  Every day, all of us have to make lots of little choices. We hope that they live up to what we think our values, but we all know that it doesn't always happen the way we want it to.

Anyway, enough with the serious stuff.  This game can be adapted to suit all ages and all attention spans.

Required Props & Materials

Material: cut out situations before shabbat

Resource Contents


·         Maybe cut out the situations, to make them easier to hand out

·         For dramatic kids, have them act out the different situations up to the point of decision, and then either have everybody explain what they'd do and why, or let the actors finish the scene with their own answers, and let kids react. 

·         For more passive kids, maybe make a game board.  A chanich/a (or team) reads a situation.  Every other kid has to guess what the reader will answer, and wager from 1-4 (based on how sure they are).  If they guessed right, they move forward that number of points.  If they guessed wrong, they move back. Try to team up shyer kids with louder kids, so that every person gets their view expressed.

·         Play it like the newlywed game.  Pair kids up, and they have to try to guess what their partner (who is out of the room) would answer to different situations.

The point of this game is not only to see what we might do, but also to discuss our motivations, what we are thinking when we do what we do.  Take it to whatever level you think is appropriate for your kids.  Most important of all, have fun with it!


1)There's someone in your class coming on a shabbaton for the first time.  You are staying with your three friends and there's no more room in the house.  This person don't have any good friends coming on the Shabbaton, and it looks like they're going to be staying alone.  Do you volunteer to stay with this person?

2)At school, you're the captain of the basketball team.  You have one player who is really bad.  Do you play this person as equally as the others?

3)You show up to a tochnit requiring advance reservations, but you had forgotten to make a reservation.  You get on the bus early to make sure you get a seat.  When the bus is full, there are three people standing outside who made reservations.  Do you voluntarily get off the bus?








4)You are staying at a friends apartment for a shabbaton, and you accidentally leave a tap running.  Some water damage is caused to the apartment below, and damages amount to $100.  Do you offer to pay?

5)While your teacher is out of the room, somebody in your class sneaks up to the teachers desk and looks at your class's next test.  Do you listen to what the questions are going to be?

6)More people than expected show up to a Bnei Akiva Tochnit, and there are just enough slices for everyone to have two.  You've had two and you're still hungry.  Knowing that some people are still on their first slice, do you still take a third?

7)You enter your name into a $100 UJA raffle, but you still haven't paid when they do the draw.  You win a trip to Israel!  Do you take the trip?

8)After a few friends stay at your house for a shabbaton, you find a Camp Moshava shirt.  You're pretty sure that you know whose it is, but this is the shirt that you lost, and you really liked that years shirt.  Nobody knows that you lost it.  Do you keep the shirt?

9)One day, the pop machine at school suddenly starts spitting out cans for no reason.  Do you take a free can?

10)You really want to be on your school soccer team.  But, you are good at basketball, and you are told that you are needed badly for the basketball team.  You don't really want to be on it.  Do you agree to join the basketball team?

11)Walking to snif one Shabbat, you see your favorite pen that you must have dropped on the way home from school on Friday.  Do you pick up the pen?

12)You are participating in a Chidon, and you get a look at the answer sheet.  Do you still participate as if you hadn't seen the answers?

13)You sleep in during a shabbaton, and by the time you get to Shul, a really fun peula is starting, and you'd really like to participate.  Do you take the time to daven first?

14)Your brother's madrich calls to remind him about a shabbaton.  You forget to give him the message, and he misses the application deadline.  All his friends are going, and he is really upset.  Do you tell him about the message that you forgot?

15)You are being the umpire during a baseball game with your class.  You see one of your best friends making an illegal play. Do you call it?

16)You are making a call from a pay phone for your mother to pick you up from a tochnit.  After you hang up, your quarter comes back out.  Do you take the quarter?














Related Resources can be found under:
» Alles > Spelletjes > Normaal
» Alles > Tussen man en zichzelf > Normaal
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