Liars Club
Group Size:
Estimated Time:
Things to prepare:
This is a peula about lying. One kid will be telling the truth and another two will be lying. The audience has to recognize which one is the truth teller and which are the liars. The cards can have anything on them. If the madrich happens to be studying for SATs, s/he may choose to use strange words and their definitions. Otherwise it can be strange, funny facts, or difficult parsha questions or something
Make 1 card with the real answer and 2 more with the word lie at the bottom. Do this for a number of different questions
The peula is set up like a game show. The Host gives each contestant a card. The more detailed the card is, the more the Host can ask the contestants. Once the contestants have had enough time to read their cards, the host asks each one of them a question in turn. The truth teller should answer truthfully (though not verbatim what he reads from his card) and the liars should answer liarly. The host can also ask more difficult questions like “Tell us a story involving a portmanteau… etc.” At the end of each round, the host asks the audience to vote which one of the 3 contestants is the truth teller. If they’re right, give them candy. If they’re wrong, give the liars lots of candy.
2. Story
3. Discussion:
Is it easier to lie or to tell the truth?
Short term vs. Long term
What makes a lie bad in the first place?
Are lies always bad?
When is a lie okay?
4. A Riddle (for lots of candy)
You find yourself on an island. I don’t know how. On this island there are two tribes. One always tells the truth and one always tells lies. You come across two Natives and you have no idea what tribe they’re from. In fact, you don’t even know whether they’re from the same tribe or not. You turn to the first one and ask him, “Are you a truth teller?” He answers back “Poomee Oomee” The other one says “He says yes, but he’s a big liar.” Who’s telling the truth? The chanich will deal with dilemmas of saying the truth or lying and the results that lying can cause..
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