
Ba Games Manual - àåñó äîùç÷éí ùì áðé ò÷éáà

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Resource Type: Game in: English
Age: 5-20
Group Size: 5-100
Estimated Time: 1000 minutes

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The A- Z guide of games for any peulah, tochnit or shiur

Resource Contents
The A- Z guide of games for any peulah, tochnit or shiur Comprised by: Daniel Mendelsohn 5765 Bushey BA When ever we are faced with planning peulot and tochniot we need to have games on our finger tips. Some times our mind goes blank and we panic. This guide was written to solve this problem and transform BA from a “boring afternoon” to the ultimate informal education experience. It is our job as madrichim to make Bnei Akiva peulot the best they possibly can be and that our chanichim will come back for more This list is by no means complete if you wish to add any games to this please contact me. All that is left to say is Aloh Na’aleh!! P.S Remember- you can never have too many games or too much fun!! • Alphabeitzin – the players are divided into groups of approximately ten. At the signal the groups must line up alphabetically by their first names. The first group finished wins. To double check, have the players call out their names. • Adman – in a circle – everyone wants to be adman! Version #2 – Dr Pepper calling Coke – everyone picks their favourite drink (no two people can have the same drink). Twist: make them call without showing their teeth i.e. Old man • Army Training • Are You There Jenkins? – two players, blindfolded, lying on the floor. One shouts “are you there Jenkins?” and the other shouts “yes”. Player one must then gently hit the ground where s/he thinks player two is. • Alcoholics Anonymous – a player must introduce themselves as follows; “hi i'm (name) and I’ve not touched alcohol in (state a period of time)”. The madrich/a then gives the player a list of items or words i.e. mouse, water bottle, pencil, orange. The player then has to explain to the group how they became an alcoholic using those words. • Advanced Question Football – the group is divided into two teams. The “ball” (any object) is put on the 20 yard line and a team is given four downs (questions) to advance the team’s goal line (80 yards away). Each time, before a question is asked, the first team must choose to run, punt, or pass. If they choose to run and answer the question correctly, the ball advances 5 yards. If they choose to pass or punt, they state the number of yards they would like to go. If the question is answered correctly, the ball advances that distance. If it is answered incorrectly, the other team may take over the ball and intercept it just by answering the question correctly. If ten yards are gained by a team within four downs, they can use another four down to try to make a touchdown. Six points are scored for every crossing of the goal (touchdown). One point is given for an additional question answered correctly after a touchdown. • After Eight Game – everyone’s favourite choccie! • Acting It Out – Four players are chosen; all but one are sent out of the room. The leader then acts out a short skit (thirty to sixty seconds) in pantomime. A second player is brought back and the first player has to act out the same skit the leader just did. The next player is bought in and s/he must act out the skit which s/he just saw player 2 perform etc. In the end all four players must guess what they were acting before seeing how much the skit got changed and what it was they were acting. Version #2; you have to act out a skit changing the theme according to the props given to you. • Anagrams • Akiva The Shepherd – Each member of the group is a sheep – they have a funny name, or a number. One person is Akiva – s/he is searching for their sheep, blindfolded. Akiva does not know where any of the sheep are or what their name or number is. Akiva calls out the name/number of one of his/her sheep, the sheep must then run around the room a couple of times and then go back to his/her original place. Immediately Akiva takes of his/her blindfold and has to guess who the sheep was if correct the sheep becomes Akiva. • Apple Bobbing – messy! • After Eights Game – act out emotions whilst eating the chocs. • Adverts Game – act out the ads & guess them or act out something to do with the pe’ula. Version #2 – picks a famous phrase from an advert; follow it with ‘down my trousers’. • Auction – split up into teams. Give each team a certain amount of money which they will then have to spend on items shown. The aim is for them to spend more on items such as tefillin rather than a TV. • Articulate – split into two teams. In turn each team nominates a member who has to describe the word/term/name given, without directly saying what it is. Twist: Taboo- where there are a list of forbidden words. Twist: they aren’t allowed to speak-only act. • Back To Back Tag – play in a large area. One player is chosen to be “it”. S/he remains so until s/he tag another player who then becomes “it”. In this variation of tag the players can only be safe when they stand back to back with another player. No two players may stand back to back for more than five seconds. Version #2 – instead of only one “it”, all of the players who are tagged remain “it” and can tag other players. The last player to remain untagged at the end wins. • British Bulldogs – British bulldog 1 2 3, stop them from getting to the other side. • Bench ball • Bomb Detonator – Everyone is seated in a circle. Two objects are used at different points of the circle and are passed around the players behind their backs. As the object is passed behind the backs, the players cannot see where they are. If a player ends up with both objects at the same time, the “bomb” “blows” and the player is out. • Battleships – Instead of colouring in use pieces of card to cover up the moves. • Bang – the players sit in a circle. The leader points to any player and at the same time says a word (three letters or less). S/he then counts to ten and instead of ten, says “bang”, while the player must name new or for every letter in the leaders word. E.g. CAT – Carrot, Animal, Towel. If s/he cannot name the words in times/he is out. • Bingo – the granny’s favourite! • Bang Bang – shoot left and right and make sure you duck. Version #2 – takes the name of the person on your left. Version #3 – takes the name of the person you ‘killed’. • Blind Date – the Cilla Black Show. • Balloon Debate – pick 3/4 people to represent (fictional or non-fictional) characters. The characters are in a hot air balloon which will plummet if not lightened. The characters have to argue why their character should be saved. Version #2 – Bnei Who? – The characters have to argue why bnei akiva should be called after them. • Behind Enemy Lines – the group is divided into two teams. Each team goes to the opposite end of the playing area. At each end a ‘base’ (a chair) is placed and a centre line is created to divide the playing area in half. The object of the game is for team A to get to team B’s base or vice versa. However, once a member of either team crosses into the other team’s area, they can be tagged, which freezes them until they are ‘unfrozen’ (tagged) by a member of their own team. The first team to get a member to the other team’s base wins. • Captains Coming – north, south, east, west, Scrub the deck – they have to go on all fours and pretend to scrub. Captains coming – stop and salute. Climb the riggings – pretend to climb the ropes. • Cat and Mouse – two players are chosen. One to be the mouse and the other to be the cat. All of the other players join hands in a circle. The cat stands outside the circle and the mouse inside. The cat must catch the mouse. The rest of the players help or hinder the cat by raising or lowering their arms. The cat and mouse can run in and out of the circle, under the players arms. If the mouse is caught within the time limit, the cat wins and continues to play with a different mouse. • Chuckaroo! – This game is based on Buckaroo, but it involves the chanichim trying to feed a person and avoid him/her vomiting (not literally!) on them. Before the game the madrich should prepare a large cut out of a person with a big hole for the mouth. One madrich stands behind the cut out with half a glass of water. Each player in turn places a ball of paper (food) inside the cut outs mouth. Make a predetermined number (say 17) and on that number ball being placed into the mouth the madrich throws the water on the player and all should scream Chuckaroo! • Crystal Maze – a theme which can last hours and hours. • Cluedo – another great theme! • Car Game – pass the vroom all the way round the circle, beep to change direction. Version#2 – clap round the circle, clap twice to change direction. • Charades – Guess what the player is acting through the actions. • Circle – A circle is made on the floor large enough to hold all of the members. Everyone enters the circle and tries to force everyone else out. As soon as a player puts any part of their body outside of the circle, they are eliminated. The last player to remain wins. This game can get very rough, so be very careful when playing it. • Colour Match – cut out slips of paper with the names of different colours on and place them in a bag. This will be the “Colours” bag. Cut out more slips of paper this time with different objects on. This will be the “objects” bag. A player is selected to take a slip from each bag and see if they match. I.e. RED-COFFEE does not match. RED-ROSE does. • Copy Cat – the players are divided into two equal teams. Each team sits opposite each other in two parallel. Team A starts. The first player on team A does a movement of some kind. The first player on team B must immediately do the opposite movement. If an opposite movement is impossible, do the movement with the opposite hand etc. Then the second player on team B does a movement and the second player on team A must immediately do the opposite movement. The play continues with the teams changing off who goes first. The first team to hesitate or make a mistake loses. • Call My Bluff – split the chanichim into teams, each is given a word on a piece of paper. All the team members have ‘false’ written on their bits except one who has the real definition of the word. The other people on that team have to bluff their way through by making up an obscure meaning. The other group has to guess which definition is the true one. For younger groups, it’s best to make the false definitions for them as their imaginations are rather under-developed. • Chinese Whispers – form a circle with the chanichim. Pick a player to start the ball rolling. This player is to whisper a sentence into the ear of the person sitting on his left. That person then passes on the message to his left and so on. The last player to hear the message stands up and repeats it aloud. Expect the message to change as it goes round and note the difference. • Chinese Dragons – the players divide into two equal teams. Each team forms one line, with each person holding onto the belt of the person in front of them. The firs person in each line is the dragons head and the last is the tail. Each team must catch the other team’s tail, which then becomes their new head. The largest dragon at the end of the time limit wins. • Cup Game – Two players are chosen from the group. Player A is seated in the middle of the circle, blindfolded, and given a scarf to hold. Ten cups are then placed all around him. Player B must then try to collect all the cups without being hit by player A with the scarf. • Chocolate Game – Everyone’s favourite! Kishut needed: chocolate, dice, dressing up clothes and a knife and fork. • Count-up – have to count 1-10 as a group shouting out numbers, if a number is said at the same time-go back to the beginning. Version #2 – whilst clapping to a beat, go round the circle counting to 100. It’s harder then it sounds. • Concentration Games – Object Concentration – the leader begins by picking up an object for all to see (i.e. book, paper, etc). The leader replaces the object. The first player then picks up the first object and then one of his own. Play continues with each player picking all the previous objects in sequence and then one of their own. Any player who fails to pick up the objects in the wrong sequence is out. • Court Case – hero e.g. David Beckham stands trial. Prosecutors claim he is not a worthy hero of millions of children, defence claim he is. Chanichim can be split into prosecutors, defence, jury, witnesses. Variation; chanichim ac out different court players (judge, lawyer etc.) and a random topic is discussed. I.e. which is tastier? – Walkers salt and vinegar or McCoy’s salt and vinegar? • Code Breakers – make a letter code (i.e. A=4, B=6 etc.).Chanichim have to try and break the code with only a few letters given. • Definition Dramatics – the players are divided into groups. Each group is given a list of words that they must incorporate into an original skit. The best skit wins. Have the lists on separate pieces of paper. Try to add weird and whacky words in like Rapunsel, cauliflower etc. twist; instead of a skit try composing a song or story. • Dead Lions – lie down and don’t move! • Dare Loyalty – make a set of cards with different dares on. Divide chanichim into two teams. Each team member plays another in a tournament of ‘paper, scissors, stone’ in front of everyone. Whoever is defeated has the choice to pick up a dare card and do the dare or to let their team down and not gain any points. The chanichim have to complete the dare to acquire their points. The significant thing is that you get one point for winning ‘scissors, paper, stone’ and two points for doing the dare. The chanichim who have lost their round have to show loyalty to their team by saying that they will volunteer to do an unknown something. • Dingbats – there’s often more to it then initially meets the eye. • Devil’s Advocate – One player is chosen. They must then try to make someone laugh by making funny motions. As soon as someone laughs they must help the first player to make the other players laugh. The next person who laughs then helps those two, etc. The last person not laughing wins. • Donkey Game • Duck Duck Goose – the classic circle game. Twist; change the names i.e. Dreidel, Dreidel, Doughnut. Version #2 – Drop the Handkerchief- the player walking around the circle holds a handkerchief behind their back. At any time they choose, they drops the handkerchief behind any player. That player (player B) gets up, picks up the handkerchief, and runs after player A trying to tag them. • Dog and Bone – divide the chanichim into two equal teams. Each team is to form a line facing the other team at opposite ends of the room and number each line 1-10. Place a ball or schmatta in the middle and then call out a number. The two players with that number have to race to grab the item and take it back to their team to win. Once in a players (A) possession the opponent (B) has to tap player A on the back before he gets back to his team. If he is tapped, player A must drop the item and so the game continues. Version #2; instead of using the same schmatta each time, use a number o different items of clothing. The aim is that each team have to be able to fully dress one member of the team in the items. • Dares – how far will you go? • Dodge Ball – A ball is needed. Split the chanichim into two teams. A line is placed in the middle of the playing area and the teams are to play on either side, against each other. No players are to cross the line into the other team’s side. The aim is to throw the ball at the opponents to get them out. A player is out when he is hit below the waist with the ball. A player can also be out if the ball he has thrown is caught by an opponent. Players can not run with the ball but must pass to each other to get a better shot. • Debates And Discussions - Pick a topic and go! • Dilemmas (Same as Scruples) – What would you do in that situation? • Double Chase – The players are seated in a circle and are divided into group of two. One group is chosen and they begin to run around the circle. Whenever they want, they can tag another group, who must get up and run around the circle in the opposite direction. The first group to make it back to the vacated seats wins. • Dizzy Ducks- The chanichim are split into two teams. One person from each team steps forward and with the help of their team, arches their back forward and begins to spin around on the spot. After a short period of time, the team members let go and the player spinning must stand straight and race their opponent to the other side of the room. The first one to the other side wins. Note; be careful when playing this game as accidents can happen! • Eitz, Pri, Perach – the leader walks around the inside of the circle and points to one of the players and says either “Eitz, Pri, Perach,…..Pri”, “Eitz, Pri, Perach,…..Perach” or “Eitz, Pri, Perach,…..Eitz”. The leader begins to count to five. The player must name a tree, fruit or a flower depending on what the last word was, Eitz, Pri or Perach. If he does, he becomes the leader. • Exhaustion – play any very active team game, but don’t allow time for breathers in the middle. • Electric Shoe Game – everyone’s shoes are in the middle. One player goes outside. Everyone picks one shoe to be the ‘electric shoe’. Player one comes in and has to remove each shoe one by one before removing the ‘electric shoe’ at which point everyone screams. • Evolution Game - paper, scissors, stone. Amoeba-chicken-dinosaur-queen etc. • E-Numbers Bingo – Everyone gets a card with numbers on. The difference is that the numbers are the non kosher E-numbers. Play bingo as normal. • Everyone Over The String – The chanichim are working together as a team. A line of string is hung about chest height, make sure it is taut. The aim is to get all the members of the group over this line without touching the string. • Eight Levels – Cut up the Rambams eight levels of tzedaka and ask the chans to put in order they think. Then show them rambams order and compare and discuss. • Elves, Witches and Giants – Three chanichim are selected to play. Each player starts off in a different position. The first has to stand up straight, the second is to crouch down and the third has to lie on the floor. One of the players is to lead and constantly changes their position. No two players can be in the same position at the same time and so have to change accordingly. I.e. two players can’t both stand at the same time. • Foot By Foot – Each team stands in its own line. At the signal, the first person walks to the other end of the room and back by placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other foot. Each player does the same. The first team to finish wins. • Family Fortunes – Our Survey said…. • Find The Other Song – Every player is given a slip of paper with a song on it and a blindfold. Everyone puts on their masks. Then they begin to sing the song written on their slip of paper. The object of the game is to find the other person singing the same song. The first two people singing the same song to find each other win. • Freeze Tag – The group is divided into two teams. Team A is ‘it’. Team A must chase team B and try to tag them. If a member of team B is tagged, s/he becomes ‘frozen’ in their place until a member of his/her team ‘unfreezes’ them. If all of team B is frozen at the end of the allocated time limit, team A wins. • Film Game – Hide the movie title in your answers and get someone to guess. • For A Change – Each player is given a number. The player with the highest number removes their chair from the circle and stands in the middle. That player calls out any two numbers and the players with those numbers have to get up and switch seats. While they are changing seats, the caller has to try to sit in one of their chairs. Whoever is left without a seat is the next to call out the two numbers. • Four Man Circle Chase – the players stand in the middle counted off by fours. The leader calls out a number from one to four. All the players with that number take a step out of the circle and chase clockwise all the other players with the same number. While number one may be chasing number one in front of them, hey are also being chased by the number one behind them, each trying to tag each other. Players tagged get one strike. Three strikes eliminate a player. The last x players left win. • Fashion Show • Forty Forty – similar to hide N seek • Family Takes A Walk – Each team stands in a line. The first player in each team walks as fast as they can to the other side of the and back. They then take hold of the second player in their line and together they walk as fast as they can to the other side and back and so on. The first team with all their players walking wins. Note; play in teams of boys and girls separately due to touching. • Find That Prayer – each chanich has a siddur, first to find Ashrei etc. • Fizz Buzz – sit in a circle and go round to the left of the group counting 1, 2, 3… however when you reach the number five or a multiple of five the player has to say “fizz” and the direction of counting changes. When you reach the number seven or a multiple of it say “buzz” this reverses the direction again. Any mistakes and its back to the beginning. • Fit the Reader – A magazine, newspaper or book is required for this game. The leader chooses a piece of written material – any paragraph, ordinary or otherwise. S/he explains how each person in the group is to assume the role of a particular kind of reader. The person is given the paragraph to read- without preparation- in the manner or style chosen by the reader. Examples: In the manner of a sports commentator, a children’s story reader, a newsreader, a Rabbi, a suspicious policeman. • Follow My Leader – Make a train of people, they have to walk around with the leader starting silly actions and everyone following suit behind. Whoever copies the action incorrectly is out. • Guess The Leader - Everyone sits in a circle and one person (player A) is sent out the room. While player A is out of the room the members of the circle must elect a leader. The leader is to perform actions and everyone else is to copy them. When player A re-enters the room s/he must guess who the leader is. Player A has three guesses to get it right. • Good News – as a round start a sentence with “the nicest thing that happened to me this week was…” • Get Off My Land – a large room is needed for this game, with chairs spread around the room at a good distance away from each other. Everyone takes a seat except for two players. Player A is the ‘chaser’, his/her aim is to catch player B. Player B must avoid being caught by running up to a seated player and shouting “Get off my land!”. The player seated must then get up, (player B takes their seat), and be chased until he/she too orders another player off their seat. When a player is caught, the player running away now has to catch. • Gargling Game – A player is chosen to take a gulp of water and gargle a tune of a song, TV programme, national anthem etc. the other players must guess the tune. Who ever guesses correctly takes his/her turn at gargling. • Grab The Schmatta – see dog and bone. • Geography – the leader starts the game by stating a city, state, country, sea etc. beginning with the letter A (i.e. Albany). The first player must name a city ...etc. beginning with the last letter of the previously named word (i.e. Yavneh) the second player must then name a city.. Etc. beginning with the next words last letter and so on. • Grandmothers Footsteps – One player is chosen to be the ‘Grandmother’ and stands at one end of the room with their back turned to the rest of the group. All the other players line side by side and have to try and reach the grandma first. They can only move when the grandmother’s back is turned. As soon as the grandma turns around, anyone who he/she sees still moving is sent back to the start line. The first player to reach the grandmother wins. • How Do You Like Your Neighbour? – One player is chosen to start the game. He/she goes up to someone and asks “how do you like your neighbours?” That player has a choice of 2 answers: 1) “I like them very much” at which everyone must get up and switch seats while the first person tries to sit down in one of the seats. Or 2) “I don’t like them at all” at which the first person replies “whom do you like?” The player then names any two other players in the circle whereupon those two people have to switch seats whilst the first player tries to take their seat. Play continues with whoever is left without a seat asking the questions. Twist; instead of naming two other players he/she could say “no, but I do like everyone wearing red” at which point everyone wearing rd must switch seats etc. • Hangman – The classic word game. Pre-prepare the letters and the hangman symbols. • Human Pyramid – Make two teams. The first team to successfully construct a human pyramid with their players wins. • Headliners – Write up in big, various newspaper headlines. The chanichim have to guess where the article is from. i.e. “Cool it cowboy” – Daily Mirror Jan 03 – UN inspectors in Iraq tell President Bush to not be hasty in war. • Hot/Cold – An object is hidden in the room, all the players are aware of its position apart from one player chosen to search whilst blindfolded. The blindfolded player must search for the object by listening to the other players. As s/he gets closer to the object the players shout warm/hot. As s/he moves further away they shout cold/freezing. • Hide ‘N’ Seek – One player (A) is chosen to begin. Everyone else has to go and hide in different places in the building while player A counts to 100. Once at 100, player A then goes and looks for the other players one by one. The last player to be found wins. • Higher/Lower – A set of numbers paper or playing cards are needed. One card or number is shown at a time and the player must guess whether the number/card shown next is going to be higher or lower than the one before. • Hot Potatoes – A ball is needed. The players must throw the ball to each other without letting it drop and hit the floor. They also must not hold the ball for more than two seconds. Any player who holds the ball for too long or drops it is out. • Humming Game – The group can either be split into two teams or everyone play individually. At the count of three everyone begins to hum for as long as possible. Whoever or whichever team lasts longest wins. • Human Anagrams – Plat in a large room. A list of questions and one set f alphabet cards per team with enough letters to answer each question are needed. Players are divided into teams. Each team receives one set of alphabet cards. The cards are then distributed to the members of each team. The leader asks a pre- written question to each of the teams. The first team to arrange the players on its team who are holding the alphabet cards to spell out the answer gains one point. • Human Hurdles – The group is divided up into about 8 players per team. Each team sits in a circle with their legs extended out into the centre. At the signal, the first player must get up and run around the inside of the circle, jumping over the other players legs. When he/she done, he/she sits down and the next player starts. Play continues until one teams players have run once, and then they are the winners. • I- spy – with my little eye. • Indoor Track And Field – the players are divided up into teams competing in these events: 1. shot put – the “shot” is a balloon; furthest throw wins. 2. javelin – the javelin is a straw; furthest throw wins. 3. discus throw – the discus is a paper plate; furthest throw wins. 4. broad jump – on one foot; furthest jump wins. 5. running broad grin – grin as wide as possible; widest grin wins. 6. 50yard dash – run any distance with a peanut or egg on your head. 7. basket throw – a can is the basket and the ball is a crumpled piece of paper. • Ibble Dibble – Everyone is seated in a circle. One player is chosen to start. S/he says “ibble dibble (name), with no ibble dibbles, calling ibble dibble (the name of another player) with no ibble dibbles. The next player then continues, if a mistake is made then an ‘ibble dibble’ (a little spot sticker) is added to the players face. When calling the player would then say “with one ibble dibble etc.” • I Am A Shoe – have each chanich/a sit silently and look around the room. Tell everyone to choose any object in the room and to think what it would be like to be that object. Name three qualities it possesses (e.g., I am a shoe; I am warm, soft and comfortable). Go around the room introducing yourself that way. Now sit down, think briefly about whether those qualities describe you. Give the object your own name (I am Daniel; I am warm, soft and comfortable). • Israeli Postman – All the players take the name of an Israeli city. One person is chosen to be in the middle and s/he removes their chair from the circle. The person in the middle is the “postman”. The postman then announces the arrival of a letter from city (x) to city (y). The two players using those cities names must exchange seats without letting the postman sit down on one of their chairs. The player left without a chair becomes the postman. Twist; if the postman calls out ‘special delivery’ everyone has to switch seats. • I’m going to Israel and i'm taking – the first player begins by saying “I’m going to Israel and I’m taking ______” filling in the blank. The next person begins once again repeating what the first player said and adding something of his own. Any player who forgets something or makes a mistake is out. • It – one player in the group is chosen to be “it”. That player has to chase and catch the other players. Once s/he catches another player and calls out ‘it’ that player becomes “it” and has to continue the chase. • Jigsaw Puzzles – create puzzles for teams to work together to complete. • Jerry Springer – (or Ricky, Montel, Oprah, Trisha etc.) re-enact the shows. • Just a Minute – talk on a subject with no hesitation, deviation or repetition, for 60 seconds. • Jeopardy – The group is divided into three or four teams. Each team selects four players to represent the group. The first team then selects a category (i.e. Jewish history, potpourri, wars etc.) for the lowest point value available. The leader reveals an answer (i.e. the Western Wall was liberated) and the first team to signal has a chance to give the correct question (i.e. What famous place was liberated in the six day war?). It must be phrased as a question. If they are incorrect they lose that number of points, the second team to signal now has a chance to give the correct question. • Kelev Miscain – Means poor dog. One player is chosen to be the “dog”. The dog crawls to any person in the circle and barks twice as outrageously as possible to make the player smile/laugh. That person must pat the pat the dog on the head twice and say “poor doggy” or “kelev miscain”. If that person smiles while saying it then s/he becomes the dog. Twist; instead of a dog let the player choose any animal to make noises for. The second player will then have to pat them on the head and say “poor cat” or “poor monkey” etc. • Knee Grab – Two players take position facing each other with one arm behind their back. The aim is to try and grab the other player’s knee while trying to prevent the other player from grabbing yours. • Knots – to form the knot, stand in circle, shoulder to shoulder, and place your hands in the centre. Now everybody grabs a couple of hands. If you ever want to get out of this, make sure that no-one holds both hands with the same person or holds the hand of the person right next to him/her. The group now has to un-knot itself without anyone letting go of their hands. When the last knot is unravelled you will find yourselves in one large circle or, occasionally, two interconnecting ones. • Kosher – Treif Game – Sit all the chanichim in a circle with one chair less and one chanich in the middle of the circle. If the person in the middle calls ‘Kosher’- all the chanichim must move around to the left, if s/he calls ‘Treif’ all must move to the right. The chanich in the middle must try to sit in one of the chairs in the circle. The player left without a seat replaces the chanich in the middle. • Kerplunck – “one frog, two eyes, four legs, kerplunck in the puddle; two frogs, four eyes, eight legs etc…” • Lung Capacity – The players are divided into teams. Each team is given a feather. At a signal, each team must blow a feather into the air and keep it there by blowing on it. The team who’s feather stays up the longest wins. • Lawyer – Place chairs in a circle. Designate a “lawyer”. The lawyer stands in the centre and says to the players, “starting now, you must not answer when I speak to you; the person on your left must answer for you. You must nod, smile or respond to me in any way. Do you understand?” The players almost invariably answer and they would be ‘out’. The lawyer starts again, asking each person questions and putting them out if they answer. To progress to the next rule and make it more sophisticated, no-one may answer yes or no. new rules may be added as you go along. • Lump of Clay – one player is chosen to start off. S/he faces the rest of the players and holds an imaginary lump of clay. With this clay, s/he must mould it into the shape of their choice i.e. candlesticks, chair etc. the other players must guess the object as the leader is moulding it. Whoever guesses correctly takes the leaders place. • League of Jewishness – Prepare pieces of paper with factors of Jewish identity on i.e. Kippah, Tzitzit, Menorah, Israeli national football team, shwarma, black hat etc… give the chanichim 5 mins to place in order of importance. • Limbo – Everyone under the stick. • Ladders – pair off the group and give each group a number. Everyone lies down in the pairs, feet to feet, so that they form the shape of a ladder. The leader tells a story and whenever a number is mentioned, the pair has to get up and run up and down the ladder and back to their seats first to sore a point. • Logo Game – Give the chanichim zoomed – in pictures of logos (only showing part of it), the chanichim have to guess the logo. • Musical Chairs – (Without music). One chair less than the number of players are set up in a line, every other one facing the same direction. A leader is chosen. The players must walk around the chairs following the leader, doing everything he does (ie clapping, jumping, etc.). Whenever the leader sits down everyone must do the same. The player left without a chair is out of the game and takes a chair with him. Play continues until only one player remains. Version #2 – the leader starts singing. Every time s/he stops the players must sit down. Version #3 – Back to Back – the leader either sings or claps their hands while the players must continuously walk around the room. When the leader stops, players must lock arms back to back with another player and sit down on the floor. One player should be left without a partner each time that player is eliminated. • Millionaire Game – split group into a number of teams giving each 1 million pounds, ask them to decide what to do with the money (how much would go to tzedaka?)- You could do this as an auction. Have various things on sale i.e. house, car, etc. how much would they spend on each- did they leave anything for tzedaka? • Mafia!! • Make a Story – the leader begins a story by saying something like: ‘one day I was walking and saw…’ After that, each player has a turn to add something to the story, stopping the story and having the next person continue whenever s/he wants. Go around the circle and see how much fun you will have. • Make A Word– Each chanich/a is given a letter from the Hebrew alphabet to hold. When the madrich/a calls a word such as “shulchan” all those holding the correct letters have to hurry to form the word. This can be played as a competition in two teams. • Minute Game – everyone is to stand on their chairs and count 60 seconds in their head. When they think a minute has passed they should sit down. The person who sits down nearest to the 60 second mark, wins. • My Grandmother Went To The Market (or Israel) – All the Chanichim are to sit in a circle. One player starts off by saying “my grandmother went to the market and she bought…” followed by any item of their choice i.e. tissues. The next person in the circle continues by repeating the previous statement followed by his/her own choice i.e. “my grandmother went to the market and she bought tissues and eggs”. Play continues around the circle. If a player forgets an item or the order in which they were purchased they are out. • Mr & Mrs, (How Much Do You Know About Your Partner?) – Two players who think they know each other well are chosen. One of these players (player A) leaves the room while player B answers multiple questions about player A. player B must answer, to the best of his/her knowledge questions about player A. player A then re-enters the room and answers the questions his/herself. See how many were answered correctly by player B. • Machanaim • Memory Game – matching prayers to their uses. Write out matching prayers on separate cards, e.g Modim – thanking g-d. Place all the cards upside down, and the kids must turn two over at a time in the hope of finding a matching pair. • Moo! – One player is sent out of the room. The remaining players pick one player to yell the loudest. When the player returns he is told he will have three chances to hear everyone yell “moo” and after each time he must try to guess who is yelling the loudest. If he guesses correctly, he will win if not he loses. The game is repeated once more, but this time when the player (player A) is out of the room, tell all of the other players that the next time they play, player A will be chosen to yell the loudest, and on the third time they yell “moo!” no one is to yell except player A. player A returns and has his/her tree guesses. Then someone else leaves the room, and player A is chosen to yell the loudest. On the third guess player A will yell “moo!” all by himself! • Modern Sculpture – One player is chosen to leave the room. Five to fifteen people are then chosen to assume statuesque positions. One of these positions is selected by the group as the “secret position”. The player re-enters and must try to pick out the player who assumed the “secret position”. The group assists him/her by singing higher/louder or lower/softer depending whether he gets closer or further away. • Mind Your Manners – cut up a cake into slices. In turn each chanich/a has to eat a slice of cake in the most disgusting way possible. Everyone else watches and shouts “Mind Your Manners!” The person who gets shouted at the loudest is the worst eater and hence the winner. • Mallets Mallet – (see word association game). • No Holds Barred – Football; or any other variation, where you remove all rules, see how the game will self destruct very quickly. Then play with rules.. shows importance and function of rules (torah). • Nothing Belongs To us - Give half the group a load of sweets, and the other half nothing. They must try and persuade the “snob” chans to give them some sweets, pointing out the fact that it is you who gave them the sweets in the first place and why shouldn’t everyone get some?! • Numbers Game – pick a random number; have to find a Jewish significance i.e. 5 – Books of the torah etc. • Newspaper Game – split the group up into about three or four separate groups. Give each group a newspaper. The leader calls out an event, a famous person or an advert and the groups must search through the paper to find it. The first group to find it wins. • Noughts And Crosses – Split the group into two teams. Lay out pre-cut string into a noughts and crosses board, big enough for a person to lie down in each square. Team A is chosen to be the noughts and team B, the crosses. The aim is to get three players in a row. • Nasi Nasi – the leader chooses a topic (i.e. Chanukah). The players all begin to slap their knees with he palms of their hands, then clap their hands and then snap their fingers. The first player names something related to Chanukah at the same time s/he snaps his/her fingers. Then the second player must name something else, and so on. Players are eliminated when they name something already mentioned, or not related to the topic, or when they fail to name the thing with the snapping of the fingers. Example: Player #1: slap – clap – (menorah) snap Player #2: slap – clap – (latkes) snap etc. • Name On The Head – Prepare slips of paper with celebrities on. Give out to your chanichim; they have to go around the room with paper on their forehead, trying to work out their character, by questioning other players. • Obstacle Course – Split the group into two. Each team is to form a line at the beginning of the course. The first player on each team race against each other to complete the course and run back to their line. When back at their line they must tag the second player so that he/she can now do the course. The first team to have all their players complete the course wins. Twist; try it blindfolded, the team mates must guide them. • Orchestra – sit in a circle. Choose a conductor. Everyone creates a sound and rhythm using voice and/or hands, feet etc., which the conductor orchestrates. Try and orchestrate a well known tune. • One Bounce – Players must form a large circle. The players must kick/head the ball to another player in the circle allowing one bounce only in between each players kick to one another. The player who misses the ball or kicks it after more then one bounce is out. • Object Concentration – The leader begins by picking up an object for all to see (i.e. book, paper, etc.). The leader replaces the object and the first player picks up the first object and then one of his/her own. Play continues with every player picking up all previous objects in sequence and then one of their own. Any player who fails to pick up the objects in the correct sequence is out. • One Knee, Two Knee – players must throw the ball to each other and be careful not to drop it. If the ball is dropped then the player must go on one knee. If a player drops it for the second time he/she must go one two knees. Then one hand, then backwards etc. • Over, Under – The group is split up into two teams, each team forming a line one behind another. The player at the front of each line is given a ball. When play starts the ball must be passed from the first player underneath his/her legs to the second player. That player then passes the ball over his/her head to the next person etc. once the player at the back of the line receives the ball, he/she takes the balls and goes to the front of the line and restarts the play. The first team to have all its players round the line wins. • Pipolo – the players are seated with the palms of their hands resting on their knees. When the leader says “Pipolo”, they all beat on their knees. When he/she says “Nitzav”, they must put their hands upright on their knees, palms facing inwards. When he/she says “Shetach” they lay their hands flat on their knees and at “Egroff” they put clenched fists on their knees. The leader does not have to follow his/her own commands. Anyone who follows a movement wrong is out. • Paranoia – go to the person with the nicest hair! • Psicolog – remember to answer as if you are the person next to you! • Party Quirks – each guest has to act as a superhero.. or .. Each guest has to act in a mannerism of a hero i.e. extremely kind, caring, sensitive etc. guess what each guests quirk is! • Plate Spin – Everyone stands in a circle. Someone in the middle spins a plastic plate on the floor (like a coin) and calls out someone else’s name, before returning to their place in the circle. The person who has just been called out must run into the centre, pick up the plate before it stops spinning, re-spin it and call out someone else’s name. • Paper, Scissors, Stone • Paper Bag Drama – fill a bag with a variety of objects (e.g. Shabbat candles, Magen David, newspaper, etc..). Divide the players into small groups. Each player picks one object from the bag. After everyone has an object, each group must make a short skit/story using all the objects its players have picked. • Pass The Parcel – The Shabbat friendly parcel (with folds, not sellotape). • Pin The Hat On The Rabbi – Draw a picture of a Rabbi on some card before the meeting. On separate card draw and cut out the Rabbi’s hat. A player is picked and has to be blindfolded. The player then has to place the hat where he/she thinks it belongs on the Rabbi. Alternatively, try it with the Rabbi’s beard or even peyote. The player closest to the mark wins. • Pictionary • Q-Tees – Chop up two copies of the Israeli flag. Before the chanichim hake the dice they have to answer a question about the army (give them choices if the questions are hard) or set them a task, weight lift, press ups, sing the national anthem. Throw the dice one team need odds the other evens, if they get it they get a piece of the flag. The first team with a complete flag gets the chance to set the other team a task of their choice. • Quizzes & Questionnaires • Reveal The Secret Game – Tell one person the sect and see if they can withstand the pressure or torture you give them or bribes like sweets. • Rule of the Game – Have the group sit in a circle. One person goes out; others choose a rule. When s/he comes back s/he must find out the rule by asking people questions about themselves. A good rule to begin with: answer every question as if you were the person on your right. Players must answer questions honestly, according to the rules. Another example: all women tell lies, all men tell the truth. Rules can be hard or very simple, according to age and experience. Rules can be visual (scratch head before answering), or structural (each answer begins with the next letters of the alphabet). • Red Light, Green Light – One player is chosen to stand at one end of the room, everyone else stands in a line, one next to the other at the opposite side of the room. The player turns his back to the group and says “red light, green light, 1-2-3”. While he/she says it everyone moves towards him, but when s/he finishes and turns around anyone still moving must go back to the starting line. The first player to reach and tag him/her wins and becomes the new caller. • Rubber Chicken – wave your arms and legs. 16, 8, 4, 2, 1. • Reincarnation Tag – this is a regular game of tag, but every time you are caught you have to go to the safe zone or dead zone where the madrichim are. They have a pile of cards each with a different type of person on. An adult, elderly, baby or an animal. Each person is given a card at the beginning of the game and then when they are ‘killed’ they have to return to the madrichim to receive a new card, their ‘reincarnation’ card. The only twist is they must perform like their card so if elderly they must walk around slowly, baby – crawl, animal – hop etc. • Rule Game – divide the group into to teams. On the table put some chocolates. Both groups are told that their goal is to gather a chocolate for each chanich. Both groups are then given a list of rules to how they are allowed to get the chocolate. Every two minutes another rule is taken away. At the end all rules are taken away and hopefully there will be a state of chaos. Examples for rules; no touching the floor, cant touch chocolate with your hands. • Races; Chair Race – the group is split into two teams, each standing on a line of chairs with one extra chair at the back of each line. When play starts the players at the back of each line must pick up the chair at the back and pass the chair along to the front. No players may touch the floor. Once the chair is at the front, each player move onto the chair in front and play continues. First team to the end wins. Water Race – Some jugs of water are needed and two teams. The two teams line up at one end of the room with a jug of water each. Two empty jugs are to be placed at the other end of the room. The first player in each line has to take a gulp of water and hold it in their mouth without swallowing it. They must then run to the other end and empty the water in their mouth into the empty jug and run back. The second player in the team then does the same etc. The team to fill the jug the highest amount of water, as some water will be lost by spilling or swallowing wins. 3 Legged Races, 1 Legged Races, Wheelbarrow Races etc. • Sober Contest – Players form two teams and each team stands in a straight line facing the other team. Team A is given 45 seconds to make the members of team B laugh. Any member of team B who laughs is out and everyone who goes out counts as one point against his/her team. The teams reverse their roles and team B has 45 seconds to make the members of team A laugh. The winning team is the one that eliminates the greatest number of opponents. • Snake In The Grass – the starter snake lies down on the ground on his/her stomach. Everybody else gathers fearlessly round to touch him/her. (one finger is enough- don’t get to close). When the madrich/a shouts “snake in the grass!” everybody runs, keeping within the bounds of the snake area, while the snake, moving on his/her belly, tries to tag as many as s/he can. Those touched become snakes too. Non-snakes run bravely around in the snake infested area trying to avoid being caught. (for your own sake and the snakes sake, take off your shoes and watch out for fingers) the atmosphere gets better if all the snakes are hissing. The last person caught is the starter snake in the next game. • Sock Wrestling • Shmee, Hoo, Hee – “Shmee” is Hebrew for “my name is…”. “Hoo” is Hebrew for “he is”. “Hee” is Hebrew for “she is”. Sitting in a circle, the first person says: “Shmee Ray (or whatever their name is)”. The next person points to the first and says “Shmee Colin, Hoo Ray”. The next one says “Shmee Sara, Hoo Colin, Hoo Ray”, pointing to each in turn. The next person says “Shmee Claire, Hee Sara, Hoo Colin, Hoo Ray”. The game continues round the circle. As players make mistakes they are evicted from the circle. • Streets And Alleys – Two players are chosen, one to be the “robber” and the second to be the “cop”. The other players stand in equidistant rows (at arms length). When they face the front with their arms they are in the “streets” position. When they turn to their right and extend their arms they are in the “alleys” position. Enough space is left so that the robber and cop can run through the streets and alleys. Players start in the “streets” position. The cop must try to tag the robber. The cop begins by chasing the robber through the streets until the leader shouts; “alleys!” Then the players face front and form “alleys” which change the course for the robber and cop who are now running through the alleys. Neither the robber nor the cop may go through, or reach over lines to get from one alley or street to another. They must go around the end players to change “streets” or “alleys”. If the cop tags the robber before x number of seconds/minutes are up, he/she wins; if not s/he loses. Two other players are chosen and play continues. Variation: split all of the players into two teams. Each team selects one player to represent that team as either a robber or a cop. The team scores one point if their player wins. The first team to get X points wins. • Slap Hand Tag - The group is divided into two teams. Each team stands in a line facing the other team. The first player from team A runs across to team B, and slaps the hands of three players. The third player he slaps must chase him/her back to team A’s line. If s/he gets tagged, s/he becomes team B’s prisoner and stands behind the player s/he was chasing. If a player who becomes a prisoner has his own prisoners, his prisoners are freed and return to their own team. The game ends when one team loses all of its players. • Shopping Trolleys – Each team or player gets a piece of paper with a shopping trolley drawn on it. Before the game you will need to prepare many sheets of paper with different foods on them. I.e. pictures of Hovis bread, Smarties, Yarden, Tival etc. the idea of the game is to go shopping by placing your hands in the “happy shopper” bag and pull out an item. If the item is kosher then the player may keep the item and add it to his/her shopping trolley. If it isn’t kosher then the player must empty his/her entire shopping trolley. • Squirrels In The Trees – The group is divided into sets of threes with two players (the ‘trees’) holding hands and a third player (the ‘squirrel’) in between them. One player should be left outside; s/he is the ‘squirrel without a tree’. When s/he says “squirrels in the trees” the tree players lift their hands and the squirrels scramble to find a new tree. When a squirrel finds an empty tree s/he goes in and the tree players lower their hands again. One squirrel will always be left without a tree each time. • Soap opera – think of a biblical scene. I.e. Moshe, Miriam and Aaron discussing how to cross the red sea. Act out the scene in the theme of a soap opera, e.g. East Enders, Little Britain, Simpsons. • Syllables – one player is chosen to leave the room. The leader then chooses a multi-syllable word to use in the game. The remaining players are divided into groups corresponding to the number of syllables in the chosen word, and one syllable is assigned to each group. The player returns and all the groups say their syllables simultaneously, three times. After each time, the player has a chance to guess the word. If the player guesses correctly s/he wins. • Situations – A player is chosen to leave the room. The other players then choose a situation (i.e. driving a car). The player re-enters and must discover what the situation is. The way this is done is by asking, ‘what would I be doing in this situation?’ Every player who is asked must give a different answer. E.g. driving a car – 1)sitting 2)holding a wheel 3) turning • Shampoo Game – Three volunteers go out. Split the room in half. The room is given a word with two syllables – one syllable per half room. The first volunteer comes in, and the room shouts out the word i.e. one half shouts DOUGH and the other half shouts NUT, and the volunteer has to guess that it’s doughnut. The group shouts it three times. The first volunteer joins the group and the next one comes in and it’s done again. When the third person comes in the word is shampoo. Make sure the group that has ‘poo’ has the first volunteer. When they shout SHAM and POO the third time, everyone is quiet except for the second volunteer who shouts POO all by himself. • Samurai Warrior Game – The first thing you need to remember about this game is to be imaginative and fun. Tell your chanichim the story of the samurais. “Once, long ago, there was a tribe in the barren lands of Japan who had a special war ceremony to get them ready for battle that occurred once a year” etc. your chanichim need to think of a war cry for the samurais as well as a pre-battle hand gesture and bow. Before you start get a pair of chans to at out the battle to show how it’s done. Each chanich/a is given a partner and places his/her left hand behind their back. They have to shout their war cry, make their hand gesture, bow and begin their battle. They have to touch the other person’s left hand behind their back. Once one partner has won s/he moves on to the winner of another pair. The final pair will battle it out for king or queen samurai. • Sequence A Timeline – of Israel’s history: the chanichim have to arrange various events in the history of the state of Israel into chronological order. • Simon Says • Shinui – Shinui – the players are seated in a circle. One player is chosen to lead the game and removes his/her chair from the circle. The object is for the player to steal a seat from another player and sit in it. To do this the leader uses three commands: Shinui Yemin – everyone shifts a seat to the right Shinui Smol – everyone shifts a seat to the left Shinui Shinui – everyone must run to another chair (not the ones either side). The player left without a seat each time becomes the caller. • Snap • Shoe Game – Everyone sits in a circle except one who goes outside. All the players in the circle must take off their left shoe and hold it right up, close to their mouth. Insert one sour stick into one of the shoes. The person holding that shoe must start chewing on the sour stick, everyone else must pretend the sour stick is in their shoe and chew. The player outside re-enters and must guess which shoe it’s in. Now here comes the horrid part – when the leader shouts change each person must pass their shoe to the left and continue to chew or pretend to chew in the new shoe (someone else’s shoe!!!). The player in the middle has three guesses. • Scruples – see dilemmas • Stuck In The Mud – needs no explaining to the young ‘uns. • Smile Throw – All the chanichim are to sit in a circle. Player 1 smiles, wipes his/her smile away and then throws the smile to another player calling their name. The new player must then do the same. It is important to remember that no one is to smile out of turn or they are out. If they are out, they must stand. Since smiling contagious the whole group will soon be standing as well as smiling. • Sports – netball, cricket, basketball, football etc. • Scavenger Hunt – the players must look for the items on their list in their teams. • Shlubadub – everyone stands in a circle. The madrich/a stands in the middle, looks at someone and says to them; “shlubadub”. The person being looked at must immediately say their first name. If the madrich/a calls someone’s name that person must immediately shout “shlubadub”. The next set of rules gets harder. If you say “shlubadub, shlubadub, shlubadub” the person who you are looking at must start to say their name before you finish the third “shlubadub”. Similarly, if you call out someone’s name three times, they have to call out “shlubadub” before you’ve finished. This is a game to be played at speed to catch people out. If anyone hesitates, gets it wrong, or doesn’t call out in time, they are “out”. • Screaming Messages – divide the players into two teams and ach team into two parts. Each part of a team stands in opposite corners. Each ½ team is given two messages to relay to the other half. At the signal both teams begin to shout their messages. The first team to relay all of its messages to the other half of its team wins. • Sardines – The opposite to hide N seek. One player is sent to hide and the rest wait a minute to give player A time to hide. All the other players must then look for player A. When a player finds player A s/he must join in hiding with him/her. The first person to find player A starts the next game but wait till everyone has found him/her. • Smile If You Love Me – All players must sit in a circle. One player starts by going up to another player and saying “smile if you love me baby”. If the person smiles then s/he must go into the middle and continue. If not, then /he must say “i'm sorry baby but I just can’t smile”. In which case the first player continues until s/he can make someone smile. • Stop The World And Let Me Get Off – Get the whole group to follow your orders (running on the spot etc.) and then tell 2or 3 chanichim that when you tell them they can take a break to get their breath back and chill, whilst the rest of the group are still rushing around. Then everyone joins in again for press ups etc. but after that as everyone else carries on the same 2/3 chanichim take another rest. Keep on going and then discuss how everyone felt afterwards. • Song Game – I really shouldn’t have to explain this one!! • Snakes And Ladders – Try and re-create a giant version of the classic board game. Remember the dice! • Thought Waves – the leader states that s/he is thinking about something but will not say what it is until later. S/he then asks a player “what is my thought like?” They must answer that is like a . (noun)(I.e. a book, a leader etc.). When all the players have answered, the leader announces what s/he was thinking of (i.e. an idiot). “My thought is about an idiot”. “Why is a book like an idiot?” the player must think quickly and give an answer. S/he then asks the next player “why is leader like an idiot?” etc. the interest in this game centres on the clever and humorous answers given. • Touch Back – divide the group into couples. Partners stand facing each other. At the signal they simultaneously try to touch each others back three times. First to three wins. • Treasure Hunt • Taboo – you have to describe a subject/item to the rest of the kvutsa without saying the word itself or several given related words. • Team Charades – Different situations must be written down on a piece of paper beforehand (i.e. digging a hole, reading a newspaper, swimming, etc). The group is divided into two teams. Team A goes first. The leader sets a time limit of 2 or 3 minutes per team. As soon as team A’s time begins the first person from team A goes to the leader and receives a situation. This player must act out the situation for his team until they guess what it is (if they cant guess the situation they can pass and skip it). After they guess the situation, the second person goes to the leader and receives a different situation, etc. For every situation guessed within the time limit the team receives one point. Then the next team has a turn. Each team gets X turns. The team with the most points wins. • The Price Is Right – A load of objects and items are put on show for all to see. The chanichim must guess how much the item cost. The player who guesses closest to the price gains one point. • Truth or Dare • Talking Sandwich – three people sit together in a row. Whoever is in the middle converses continuously with the person on his/her and the person on his/left, who have each selected two different subjects to talk on. The filling of this “talk-sandwich” keeps the talk going and is involved in both conversations simultaneously. If you split the group into threes you can have everyone playing at the same time. • Thumb war – 1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war….. • True Or False – A list of statements are given out. The chanichim have to guess which ones are true and which are false. • Tweedle Dum, Tweedle Dee – you line up two lines opposite each other and number each team off. One line is tweedle dee end the other is tweedle dum. The madrich then calls out one of the numbers and the chanichim have to come into the centre and make the other person laugh by saying either tweedle dum or tweedle dee. • Twenty Questions – One player volunteers to start. The player (A) is given the name of a person or animal etc. (i.e. the queen) everyone in the circle knows the name except for player A. Player A now has twenty questions to wok out who s/he is. • Touch/Taste/Smell – A player is blindfolded and has to guess the items in the bowls by touching, tasting and smelling. • This Is Your Life – play with famous, historical people i.e. Theodore Herzl. • Twister • Utopia – Split into groups. Each group has to think or act out their ideal world/country. What rules would they have? • Unger – Unger ~ woof woof, woof woof ~ Unger. • Video Evening • Wheel Of Fortune • Word Wizard – pencil and paper are needed for each chanich/a. The madrich/a announces “I am a wizard; I am taking away all your words. But as I am generous, you may have four of them back. Write down the four words you would like to keep”. Next they have to find a partner and communicate with him/her using only the four words and gestures. After this they may share words with their partner giving everyone now a maximum of eight words. • Where’s My Chicken – One player is chosen to be ‘it’. S/he walks around the circle, stopping at any player and asks: “have you seen my chicken?” The player must answer: “I don’t know, what does it look like?” ‘It’ then describes some other person seated in the circle. As soon as that person (A) realises that s/he is being described, s/he gets up and chases ‘it’ round the circle trying to tag ‘it’ before s/he get back to player A’s seat. • Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? – taken from the TV show. Prepare all the questions before the group and make sure you have more questions than needed. Alternatively use the book. • Weakest Link – You are the weakest link – goodbye. Instructions as above. • What’s My Line? – Four teams are chosen. Each team selects one player to be on the panel. The panel is then blindfolded. Another player or the leader is chosen as the ‘mystery guest’. The four members can ask only ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions to discover the identity of the mystery guest. Each time the mystery guest answers no, the next person on the panel has a chance to ask the questions until the identity of the mystery guest is discovered. The first team to guess correctly wins. • Word Association Game – Two players are chosen to play against each other. A starting word is chosen and the two players taking alternate turns to say a word associated with the word before. E.g. player 1: blue. Player 2: sky. Player 1: plane. Player 2: airport etc. The first player to say a word not associated or takes to long to answer is out. • Word Disassociation Game – The aim is to only say words that have completely no connection whatsoever. E.g. ball, mouse, phone, apple, table. If there is a sensible link then the player is out. • What’s The Time Mr Wolf? – Just like Grandmothers footsteps. • Wide Game • World Of Clothes – In pairs chanichim are given a country and they have to create an advert for the national dress. • Wink Murder – All the players are seated in a circle. One player is chosen to be sent out the room (player A). Another player (player B) is chosen to be the ‘murderer’. Player A is then brought back into the room. Player B has to wink at a player seated in the circle to ‘kill’ the. When killed, the player must bend forward and place his/her head in their laps. Player A must try and guess the murderer by watching closely. • What Am I? - One player starts off by making an action i.e. waving, and announces that s/he is waving for a bus. Any player in the circle may stop him/her and say “no your not, you’re…” i.e. catching flies (it has to be an action that is similar to before). Sorry, I don’t think there are any!! • Yaakov Ayekah – Two players are chosen, each is blindfolded and stands in the middle of the circle. The first player (A) is given a scarf. The object is for A to find the second player (B). To do this, player A can say ‘yaakov ayekah’ after which player B must say ‘hineni’. Then player A tries to hit player B with the scarf. Player A can say yaakov ayekah up to three times. If A does not find B after the three calls, A loses. • Yes, No, Black and White – A player is chosen to be the leader. That player must ask the other players questions. The object is for them to avoid answering the questions with ‘yes’, ’no’, ‘black’ or ‘white’. The player who uses any of these words is out. • Ziegfield Relay – Each team sits in its own line, with the players sitting side by side, facing the same direction. Every player crosses his/her right leg over his/her left. At the signal, the first player uncrosses his/her legs and re-crosses them over the right. When that player is done the next player does the same and so on. The first team to finish wins.

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