Remembrance Day- Yom Hazikoron

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Tipo de recursos: Peula Idiomoa: Ingles

Edad 10 - 19

Cantidad de participantes en el grupo 10 - 60

Tiempo estimado: 45 minutos

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To understand Yom Hazikaron


-karyan 1,2,3


-friend 1




-karyan 4,5

Contenidos de los recursos

Remembrance day- Yom Hazikoron




-karyan 1,2,3


-friend 1




-karyan 4,5







Yom Hazikaron, a day of remembrance for those who fell in the struggle for the establishment of the state of Israel and in its defense, is marked during the 24 hours preceding Yom Haatsmaut.  (Israel independence day). On Yom  Hazikaron the entire nation remembers its debt and expresses eternal

Gratitude to its sons and daughters who gave their lives for the achievement of the country's independence and its continued existence.



Yom Hazikaroon is a day of collective and personal anguish mingled with awe and honor for the fallen. It is a day on which the living rededicate themselves to the state of Israel, so that they may be worthy of the sacrifice of those who died for its survival.










In Israel, Yom Hazikaron commences countrywide with the sound of sirens proclaiming a two minute silence during which all activity and traffic cease. Flags are flown at half mast and memorial ceremonies are held all over the country. Ending at sundown, the somber, reflective mood of Yom Hazikaron gives way to the celebration of yom Haatsmaut, a transition which emphasizes the lasting tie between the sacrifice of the countrys fallen and the continued existence of a vibrant and dynamic state of Israel.





















The father:

That was the most exiting day of my life. We took Chaym, my oldest son to the army. I can't believe my son has the merit to fight for Eretz Israel.

I remember I was his age, and the British ruled Israel and they didn't even let us hold guns.

I am so happy and proud that today Israel, our state, has a strong and organized army, who can fight for its homeland. I am so proud of Chaym that from today on, he will be a soldier of

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Friend 1:



That's Chaym's favorite TV show!! For 6 years, every day, Chayim comes to me after school, and we watch this TV show together.

But now, he has left me here all by myself. Left here blank video tapes so I can record him.

When he began his army service, we barely speak… and when we do- he can't stop speaking of how great it is! Tells me all of his stories… how he enjoys being with his friends, how he learned so many things…. He can't talk of anything else!! I am jealous of him… I can hardly wait to enlist in the army already!!!












The sister:

Dear Diary,

I miss Chaym so much.

He told me that I don't need to be sad, that this is a good thing that he is going to the army and that all of his friends are doing it.

I don't understand why all the boys in our country has to go to the army? Why him?

Why can't he stay home with me and play the new ball mom bought for him.

He said he was happy to go, that he had waited a long time for it…

He also said, that he will be back every two weeks and then he would play with me. But he lied. He doesn't come back home every week, and even when he does he is too tired to play or even speak to me. He only speaks to Mom and Dad about thing I don't understand.

Oh, I miss him so much…


friend 2:

(trying to call…)

Hello?? Hello? I don't understand why doesn't he answer? We said we'll speak every day at nine. This is the hour they finish practicing drills.

I have to go to sleep in the next half an hour.

Tomorrow, we have a long day, so we have to go to sleep by ten.

(trying to call again, leaves a messege)

Chaym? Is everything ok with you?

Hope you liked the bean soup you had for supper today. Speak to you tomorrow)














The mother:


I hope the cake is good.

It has to be delicious for Chaym'ke, Chaym has to like the cake!!

For a whole month I have been thinking what cake I should bake for him when he comes back from the army.

Last time he came he didn't want to eat. He didn't even speak to me, he just wanted to sleep.

But now, after a month of not seeing him, I can hardly wait!!






A month passed but Chaym didn't come back.

The same day that Chaym was about to come back home, the war broke out.

Everyone thought, that they would never see Chaym again.

At the end of the war, Chaym came back home together with all of his friends.






Chaym had the merit to be a part of the struggle of Ramat HaGolon and to keep it under a Jewish control.

Everyone celebrated Chaym's victory, although he will never forget all those who fought along with him and did not return home.

All those who sacrificed their life for the land of Israel. And thanks to them, we can sit home safely.


Recursos relacionados se pueden encontrar en:
» Todo > La Tierra de Israel > General
» Todo > El Calendario Jud?o > Día de recuerdo por los caídos
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