Bnei Akiva

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Family Learning - Aliya\ Abraham

To learn together about Aliya. in this pages- about Abraham Avinu. How did Abraham leave him family and him homeland and went to a new land?! We learn from Abraham to trust and believe in ה' . When ה' says to Abraham to go to Eretz Israel. He does not ask any questions. He takes everything he owns and starts out walking to the Promised Land –that is how Abraham become the firs new immigrant to come to the Land of Israel. Abraham is our Father and we walk in his footsteps and we return to the Land of Israel. The land that ה' promised to Abraham and to all the Jews

Ages: 5-1010381 viewsView DetailsView

Happy Birthday-bnei Akiva

The Chanichim should learn basic and important information about Bnei Akiva and identify and understand a bit more about Bnei Akita’s values and ideals.

Ages: 8-147626 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 8-183799 viewsView DetailsView

Taboo Bnei Akiva

משחק בו צריכים חברי הקבוצה צריכים לנחש מה הביטוי הכתוב בכרטיס שנמצא אצל חבר קבוצתם. הוא מאידך צריך לתת להם רמזים מה הביטוי, מבלי להשתמש במילים הכתובות על הכרטיס.  

Ages: 10-205570 viewsView DetailsView


Inform chanachim about mifkad to give them more understanding of this ritual.

Ages: 9-157980 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

The Religious Zionism Debate
The Religious Zionism Debate
Essays Regarding the Religious Significance of the Modern State of Israel
Some writings of Rav Kook in English