Treasure Hunt

Detalles del archivo:

Tipo de recursos: Game Idiomoa: English

Edad 8 - 15

Cantidad de participantes en el grupo 8 - 60

Tiempo estimado: 130 minutos

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Vistas por tiempo: 4298
Descargadas por tiempo: 1287

Rated 354 times
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Objetivo del recurso

find all the things of the list

Contenidos de los recursos


                                      THE  TREASURE   HUNT

The List:      


-Give a stranger a piggy back ride (guys with guys and girls with girls)
-The most comfortable spot in the mall
-Get someone to sing the American national anthem with you
-Fit 5 people in a shopping cart
-Find someone who looks like a celebrity
-Take a picture in a store uniform
-Find something REALLY gross
-Dress up a guy to look like a girl
-Dress a girl to look like a guy
-Most expensive product in the entire mall (price tag must be in picture)
-A chinese word
-5 things you’ll need to successfully take over the world (all in one picture)
-Kiss an animal
-A store worker with the name Eli (any form of that name)
-A food or drink that your parents wouldn’t want you to eat
-Have one boy get one nail painted
-The strongest people in the mall
-Something hairy
-The cheapest thing in the mall
-The most boring book in the mall
-The biggest sports fan
-Something purple
-Act out any picture in the mall (the original picture must be in photo)
-What time is it?
-A happy couple
-Something that puts you to sleep
-Give a geography lesson
-A cartoon character
-Something dead
-Mode of transportation

Recursos relacionados se pueden encontrar en:
» Todo > Elementos > General
» Todo > Elementos > Como hacer
» Todo > Juegos > General
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