Yom-hazikaron- The Terror Victims - éåí äæéëøåï- ÷åøáðåú äèøåø

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The goal is that the Chanichim will feel part of Am-Yisrael and will understand how big the lost is and how we can help the situation.

Contenidos de los recursos

Avraham Gavish

March 28, 2002 - Mar 28, 2002 - Avraham Gavish, 25, of Kedumim, was one of four members of the Gavish family killed in Elon Moreh, when a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated the hilltop community near Nablus, burst into their home, and shot them shortly before 9 P.M. Avraham Gavish was visting his family in Elon Moreh during the Passover holiday. He was killed along with his parents Rachel and David Gavish, and his grandfather Yitzhak Kanner.

When the terrorist infiltrated the Gavish home, 2-year-old Darya Gavish broke into tears. Her mother, Na'ama, tried desperately to quiet her and hide her. The terrorist approached the kitchen where the two were hiding. Na'ama put her fingers on the child's lips, and ducked under the table. Their lives were spared. Avraham had called out to throw his weapon from the top floor and as he caught it, the terrorist shot and killed him.

The terrorist continued to shoot from one of the rooms while neighbors and security forces returned fire. Others placed a ladder to allow family members on the top story to escape. The terrorist remained closed up in one of the top-story rooms, until he was shot and killed by security forces.

Avraham Gavish had served as an officer in the elite IDF General Staff Reconnaissance Unit, and had begun studying at Bar-Ilan University. He lived in Kedumim with his wife Na'ama, whom he married three years ago. Na'ama eulogized her husband and promised to take care of their two-year-old daughter Daria, and the baby she is carrying.

"During our navigation training in the Samarian hills, Avraham knew and recognized every hilltop. He walked without a map, and ran on the hilltops as if he got renewed strength. Only then did I realize how much he was attached to these hills," said an army comrade.

Avraham Gavish was buried in Elon Moreh alongside his parents and grandfather. He is survived by his wife Na'ama, his daughter Darya, four brothers and two sisters: Menashe (23), Yeshurun (2), Avigdor, (19), Tzofia (18), Leah (17), and Assaf (14).

Ran Koren

March 31, 2002 - Mar 31, 2002 - Ran Koren, 18, of Haifa was one of 14 people killed in a suicide bombing in Haifa, in the Matza restaurant of the gas station near the Grand Canyon shopping mall. Just after on Sunday afternoon, during the Passover holiday, the terrorist entered the popular Matza restaurant in the Neve Sha'anan district near the Grand Canyon mall. The explosion tore the roof off the one-story building, and blew out the windows, instantly killing 14 people, and leaving horrific scenes of people on fire, and people with lost limbs. Over 40 people were injured.

Ran Koren was having lunch at the Matza restaurant with his father, Shimon, and younger brother, Gal. His mother Rachel was supposed to join them, but at the last minute backed out of the date. A few minutes before the explosion, Shimon called to ask if she wanted him to bring home some take-away. Ran was killed along with his father and brother.

Ran was a 12th grader at the Reali school, considered Haifa's best. He is described by his friends as always having a smile on his face. He loved sports and was always riding his skateboard.

Ran Koren was buried in Haifa alongside his father Shimon and brother Gal. He is survived by his mother Rachel

Tzipi Shemesh

March 21, 2002 - Mar 21, 2002 - Tzipi Shemesh, 29, of Jerusalem was one of three people killed and 86 injured when a suicide bomber detonated a bomb, packed with metal spikes and nails, in the center of a crowd of shoppers on King George Street in the center of Jerusalem. On Thursday afternoon, Tzipi, in her fifth month of pregnancy, went with her husband Gadi for an ultrasound exam. On leaving the medical clinic, they passed next to the terrorist who blew himself up. Tzipi was killed instantly; Gadi died shortly afterwards in hospital.

Tzipi and Gadi met eight years ago through a common friend. They were married in Jerusalem. About three months ago they moved to the Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood. According to relatives, they had a lot of plans for the future, they loved each other and their two daughters.

Tzipi was an accountant at Akademon bookstore at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Tzipi Shemesh was buried in the Mount Herzl military cemetery, alongside her husband Gadi. They left behind their two daughters - Shoval (7) and Shahar (3).

Avia Malka

March 9, 2002 - Mar 9, 2002 - Avia Malka, 9 months, of South Africa was killed when two Palestinians opened fire and threw grenades at cars and pedestrians in the coastal city of Netanya on Saturday evening, close to the city's boardwalk and hotels. At about two Palestinians tossed grenades and sprayed gunfire on guests in the Jeremy Hotel as they were leaving after a traditional "Shabbat hatan" celebration, held on the Sabbath before a wedding. The gunmen then fled, but were chased down and killed by border policemen. A Magen David Adom volunteer medic was also killed in the attack, and over 50 people were wounded.

Avia Malka, just nine months old, lived with her parents in South Africa. They had arrived in Israel just a week before to visit Avia's grandparents, who lived in Hashmonaim. The family spent Shabbat at a hotel in Netanya. Avia was fatally injured in the terrorist attack and died in hospital.

Avia Malka was buried in the Yarkon cemetery. She is survived by her parents.

Arik Krogliak

March 7, 2002 - Mar 7, 2002 - Arik Krogliak, 18, of Beit El was one of five youths killed when a Palestinian gunman penetrated the pre-military training academy in the Gush Katif settlement of Atzmona. Hamas terrorists entered the southern Gush Katif community, opening fire and throwing hand grenades at the school and nearby houses, killing five and injuring 23.

Arik Mordechai Krogliak, the middle child in a family of five from the community of Beit El in Samaria, attended the prestigious academy in Atzmona, a highschool that combines religious studies and military training.

Arik had served as a Magen David Adom volunteer for three years, and had helped treat the wounded in the suicide bombing in Jerusalem carried out by female terrorist on January 27. According to friends he had an unforgettable smile. "Nothing ever made him mad," said a close friend. "He was good to everyone. He was an angel."

Arik Krogliak was buried in Beit El. He is survived by his parents, Ya'acov and Marina Krugliak, and four siblings

Shiraz Nehmad

March 2, 2002 - Mar 2, 2002 - Shiraz Nehmad, 7, and her sister Liran, 3, of Rishon Lezion were two of 10 people killed in a suicide bombing on Saturday evening near a yeshiva in the ultra-Orthodox Beit Yisrael neighborhood in the center of Jerusalem. The Nehmad family had come to Jerusalem for Shabbat to celebrate a family bar mitzvah at the Mahane Israel yeshiva in Jerusalem. When the Sabbath ended and guests started to leave, the Nehmad family gathered on the street outside for the havdalah ceremony (held at the conclusion of the Sabbath).

Shiraz and Liran were killed together with their parents, Shlomo and Gafnit. Also killed in the suicide bombing were Shlomo's nephew Shaul Nehmad, and two of his sister's children - Lidor and Oriah Ilan.

The Nehmad family was buried side by side in Rishon Lezion

Keren Shatsky

February 16, 2002 - Feb 16, 2002 - Keren Shatsky, 15, of Ginot Shomron was one of two teengagers killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up on Saturday night at a pizzeria in the shopping mall in Karnei Shomron in Samaria On Saturday night Keren went to the local Yuvalim Mall in Karnei Shomron to meet friends, eat pizza, and talk. Since its opening six months ago, the mall has become a popular meeting place for local youth. She was killed in the blast.

Keren was the youngest daughter of Chava and Shabtai Shatsky, who immigrated to Israel from the US in 1984 and moved to Ginot Shomron in 1986. Keren attended the Lehava Ulpana in Kedumim, and had gone to the mall with friends.

Keren was a student at the Ulpana Lahava in Kedumim, where her mother is chairman of English studies. Teachers at the school described Shatsky as a polite, intelligent, and happy girl, she said. "She was one of the nicest people I ever met," said Noa Roitman, a classmate. "She was friendly with everyone and always smiled." Roitman had studied with Shatsky since first grade. "All the pictures I conjure up in my mind of Keren are of her smiling," she said.

Rachel Ben-David, a teacher at the school and a family friend who lives in the same neighborhood, home to 100 families originally from the US and Canada, said Shabtai Shatsky was to have travelled to the US on Saturday night to visit his father, who is ill. "Instead his parents will arrive for the funeral," she said.

Keren Shatsky will be buried in Karnei Shomron. She is survived by her parents, three sisters and two brothers.

Leah Strick

December 2, 2001 - Dec 2, 2001 - Leah Strick, 73, of Haifa, was one of 15 people killed in a suicide bombing on an Egged bus No. 16 in Haifa The bombing occurred shortly after noon, when a Hamas suicide bomber boarded an Egged No. 16 bus traveling from the Neveh Sha'anan district, paid the driver with a large bill, then blew himself up as the driver asked him to collect his change.

Leah Strick was one of five sisters who survived the Holocaust in the Bialystok ghetto and concentration camps in Poland and came to live in Israel 50 years ago. During the past two years, she was living together with her sister Bella Fuchs, 76, in an apartment on

Hagiborim Street
in Haifa.

On Sunday morning, Leah Strick went to visit her elder sister, 82, in a geriatric institution in the Neveh Sha'anan quarter of Haifa and was returning home. Bella was waiting for her at on a bench at the Gevura intersection. She saw the bus approaching and got up to greet her sister when the explosion occurred.

Leah Strick was buried in Haifa. She is survived by her sisters, a son and daughter, and five grandchildren.

Hadas Abutbul

November 9, 2001 - YABED (November 9) - Palestinian terrorists shot and murdered Hadas Abutbul, 39, as she returned from work in Shaked to her home in Mevo Dotan in northern Samaria on Friday afternoon. The terrorists, who set up a roadside ambush near the Yabed rubbish dump, shot Abutbul in the back, causing her to lose control of her car, which overturned into a wadi, where she died of her wounds. The terrorists fled toward the Palestinian-controlled area nearby. The Fatah al-Aksa Brigade in Jenin later claimed responsibility for the slaying.

Abutbul, the mother of four young children, including a one-year old, managed the nursery school in Shaked. Her husband, Yitzhak, is a driver for the regional council development company.

Rechavam Ze'evy

October 17, 2001 - Rechavam Ze'evy was born in Jerusalem in 1926. After graduating from the Command and General Staff College of the U S Army, he served as a career officer in the IDF, reaching the rank of Major-General. Rechavam Ze'evy served as Advisor to Prime Minister Rabin on Anti-Terror Matters and Intelligence from 1974-1977, and as Chairman of the Board of the Eretz-Israel Museum in Tel Aviv from 1981-1991. He published many articles in the local press, and was the editor of 65 books published by the Ministry of Defense and the Eretz-Israel Museum, Tel Aviv.

Ze'evy was elected to the Knesset in 1988 as Chairman of the Moledet faction. He is currently Chairman of the National Union - Yisrael Beiteinu Party. He has served as a member of the Knesset House, Foreign Affairs and Defense, Education and Culture, and State Control Committees.

From February 1991 until Janaury 1992, he served as Minister without Portfolio.

In March 2001, Rechavam Ze'evy was appointed Minister of Tourism. On October 15, 2001, he submitted his resignation, which was to enter into effect on October 17, after 48 hours, at  

Early that morning, Rechavam Ze'evy was murdered by Palestinian terrorists who shot him in the head at the Jerusalem Hyatt Hotel.

Rechavam Ze'evy is to be laid to rest on Thursday (October 18) at in the military section of Mt. Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem. He is survived by his wife and five children.

Sgt. Tali Ben-Armon 

October 4, 2001 - Sgt. Tali Ben-Armon, 19, an off-duty woman soldier from Pardesia, was killed when a Palestinian terrorist, dressed as an Israeli paratrooper, opened fire on Israeli civilians waiting at the central bus station in Afula. The terrorist, dressed in IDF military fatigues, opened fire at a crowded bus terminal in Afula at , killing three Israelis and wounding 13 others. He entered shops with an M-16 rifle and sprayed them with long bursts of automatic gunfire.

Tali was born in Netanya and attended school in Kibbutz Maaborot, majoring in art. She was a gifted artist, and last March she had won prizes for her drawings. Tali had almost completed her compulsory army service, and would have celebrated her 20th birthday at the end of October. Her commanding officers had suggested that she continue in the army, training new recruits.

Earlier on the day of the attack, Tali's mother Shoshi had phoned relatives in Alei Sinai to console them for the loss of their daughter, Liron Harpaz, in a terrorist attack two days earlier. "I didn't imagine that only hours later the terror would hit us as well," said her mother.

Sergeant Tali Ben-Armon was laid to rest in Pardesia. She is survived by her parents, two brothers - Danny (17) and Gil (11) and a sister Neta (14).

Tehilla Maoz

August 9, 2001 - Tehila Maoz, 18, of Jerusalem, was one of 15 people killed in a suicide bombing in the heart of Jerusalem, inside a crowded pizza restaurant. Carrying the explosives in a bag strapped to his body, the terrorist entered the Sbarro pizzeria at the corner of

King George Street
Jaffa Road
in downtown Jerusalem just before . The 5 kg.-10 kg. bomb, which was packed with nails, screws, and bolts, completely gutted the restaurant, which was full of lunchtime diners.

Tehila was a waitress at the Sbarro fast-food restaurant, where the attack occurred. She was to celebrate her 19th birthday in two weeks, and was due to begin her national service in another month. Her older brother Amnon described her as a special and intelligent girl, full of warmth and love.

Tehila Maoz was buried in Jerusalem.

Avraham Yitzhak Schijveschuurder

August 9, 2001 - Avraham Yitzhak Schijveschuurder, 4, of Neria, was one of 15 people killed in a suicide bombing in the heart of Jerusalem, inside a crowded pizza restaurant. Carrying the explosives in a bag strapped to his body, the terrorist entered the Sbarro pizzeria at the corner of

King George Street
Jaffa Road
in downtown Jerusalem just before . The 5 kg.-10 kg. bomb, which was packed with nails, screws, and bolts, completely gutted the restaurant, which was full of lunchtime diners.

Among the other victims were Avraham Yitzhak's parents, Tzira and Mordechai, and his sisters Ra'aya, 14, and Hemda, 2. Two other sisters were injured in the attack. They had come to spend the day in Jerusalem, to relax from the tension of frequent shootings near their home in Neria, a community in Samaria. Three older brothers who did not join the family outing identified the bodies.

Avraham Yitzhak was born in Neria, where he attended kindergarten. He had recently boasted that he knew the entire "aleph-bet" by heart. His eldest brother, Meir, told how his youngest brother would jump on him and hug him whenever he came home from the army.

Avraham Yitzhak Schijveschuurder was buried in Jerusalem, along with his parents and his two sisters.

Yelena Nalimov

June 1, 2001 - Yelena Nalimov, 18, of Tel Aviv, was one of 20 people killed in a suicide bombing at a Tel Aviv discotheque shortly before midnight on Friday night. Yelena's sister, Yulia, 16, was also killed in the blast. Yelena and Yulia immigrated from Russia five years ago with their mother, Ella, their brother Sasha, now 14, and their grandmother. A family friend said it was the girls who pressed for the family to immigrate to Israel. Yelena graduated from Shevah high school and planned to continue her studies. Friends said the girls loved dancing and going out.

Yelena is survived by her brother, Sasha, as well as her mother and father, who still resides in Russia.

She was buried alongside her sister in the Yarkon cemetery in Tel-Aviv.

Gilad Zar

May 29, 2001 - May 29, 2001 - Gilad Zar, 41, of Itamar, was shot dead in a terrorist ambush while driving between Kedumim and Yizhar. Gilad Zar, security officer of the Samaria Regional Counci for the last four years, was hit by a hail of over 40 bullets as he drove on a bypass road between the communities of Yitzhar and Kedumim. The Palestinian terrorists shot at his windshield from a parked car, causing his car to overturn. They then got out, walked to Zar's car, shot him in the head at point-blank range, and fled to Nablus. Gilad died en route to hospital.

Zar was seriously injured in a previous shooting incident on March 25, when he was shot three times in the chest, hand, and leg.

Gilad's father, Moshe Zar, one of the first pioneers in Samaria, served in the "101" special commando army unit under Ariel Sharon, and the Prime Minister was a close personal friend of the family.

Gilad Zar was one of the founders of Itamar. He is survived by his wife Hagar and eight children, the oldest 15, as well as his parents and seven brothers and sisters.

Gilad Zar was buried in Karnei Shomron.

Yaakov Mandel

May 9, 2001 - Israel awoke once again this morning to horrific news, this time of the double murder of two 8th-grade boys outside their eastern Gush Etzion community of Tekoa. The two, Kobi Mandell and Yosef Ishran, set off yesterday morning to "clear their heads," in the words of a Tekoa resident; they went to the Haritun area in Tekoa's "back yard," some 300 meters from the most outlying house. They did not inform their parents, and only after dark, when they did not come home from school at the regular time, did searches begin. Their bodies, with severe signs of violence, were found in one of the nearby caves early this morning.

 Haritun is a popular spot for hikers from all over Israel. A classmate of the murdered boys later said, "They told me two days ago that they were planning to go to Haritun; I didn't even think to tell them not to go, because it's a common [place to go]..." Many Tekoa children said they would continue to hike there.

The double funeral set out from Tekoa late this afternoon, and was scheduled to make its first stop at the Gush Etzion intersection, where eulogies were to be delivered. From there, the mourners will part ways: Kobi Mandell will be buried in Kfar Etzion, and Yosef Ishran will be buried in Har HaMenuchot in Jerusalem.

The IDF entered a PA police station near Tekoa this afternoon and arrested over 20 Arab suspects. Palestinians near Tekoa stole a herd of 100 goats from a Jewish shepherd in the area; some of those arrested admitted to stealing the herd. The army has closed off exits from the area, in an attempt to catch the murderers. The preliminary investigation has shown that the boys were murdered yesterday afternoon; the boys fought with their killers, but were overcome and cruelly stoned and stabbed to death.

Shalhevet Pass

March 26, 2001 - March 26, 2001 Terrorist gunfire kills one and injures one in Hebron At about 5:00 this afternoon an Arab sniper shot and killed a 10 month old baby girl, Shalhevet Techiya Pass, and wounded her father, Yitzhak Pass, with two bullets in the legs. They were shot at the entrance to the Avraham Avinu neighborhood. The baby was in the mother's arms at the time of the shooting and was hit in the head. Emergency medical teams arrived immediately. The father was treated and evacuated to hospital. The doctors were not able to save the baby.


Yom-Hzikaron, is a special day not only because of the soldiers we lost in the wars but also about all the terror victims who were killed from the beginning of the Medina until today. We chose to focus on this part of Yom-Hazikaron because of the relevant of the subject, and the need to understand what really is going on in Israel.

The goal is that the Chanichim will feel part of Am-Yisrael and will understand how big the lost is and how we can help the situation.

# Put the newspaper articles on the floor and ask the Chanichim (you can help them of course) to organize it in a chronological order. Now we can see how the terror attacks cause the I.D.F reaction, explain the Chanichim what going on now in Israel according to the articles you have.

# Ask the chanichim what they heard about Israel on the last few weeks and what they think about it.

# Tell the Chanichim that until today 428 innocent people were killed in terror attacks in Israel – men, women, children, babies. Try to emphesize them how big this number is by        

we know that we can’t talk about each and every one of them so we chose to focus on a few people to see how every person that we lost – we lost a whole world.

# Give every chanich one person to read about and than let them say one or two important things about him/ her (if they can’t read yet, choose a few people and tell the Chanichim about them).

# We can see how innocent people lost their life without doing anything wrong they just were in a Bar- Mitzva or wanted to get home or were on there way to work, etc.

# As we know the situation in Israel now is not so good we feel sorry about those people who were killed just because they are living in their own country- But what can we do about it?

# Put on the floor the notes and read it with the chanichim. Now we can see how we can help even from here, every good thing that we are doing has an influence on Am-Yisrael, that why we all have to try and be better and find things that we can help with. Here we have only a few examples tell the Chanichim to think for a moment and try to find one thing that they can do to help, from the notes or from themselves.

Ask if anyone want to share what he/she decided to do.

# Conclusion: Each and every one of us has the power to make things better, lets try to remember it and do what we decided to help our nation. 

Any Questions? Call us! (Chani & Reut) 381-0448

Say one Tehilim chapter every day

Write a letter to a wounded kid in Israel

Donate money to the terror victims

Selling Limonde to collect money for the victims

Try to improve one thing in my personality

Daven with more “Cavana”

Go to visit in Israel




























































































































































































































Recursos relacionados se pueden encontrar en:
» Todo > La Tierra de Israel > El estado de Israel
» Todo > Actualidad > General
» Todo > El Calendario Jud?o > Día de recuerdo por los caídos
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