World Bnei Akiva MovementCenter for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora
The Online Hadracha Center
מרכז ההדרכה המקוון

G.23. Story Chain

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Typ av resurs: Spel in: Engelska
Ålder: 10-18
Storlek: 10-58
Beräknad tid: 45 minutes

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Granskad: 1968
Nerladdad: 1507

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Resurs mål
This game can be used very effectively for creating a particular mood within the group, as preparation for an activity.


G.23. Story Chain

The leader should start to tell a story – with a dramatic opening, if the group is full of energy - or a quieter, more descriptive start, for the end of the day’s activities.
After a few lines, a member of the group continues the narration, until everyone has had a turn and the story is concluded.

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