World Bnei Akiva MovementCenter for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora
The Online Hadracha Center
מרכז ההדרכה המקוון

Throwing Light

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Typ av resurs: Spel in: Engelska
Ålder: 10-18
Storlek: 10-55
Beräknad tid: 45 minutes

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Granskad: 2202
Nerladdad: 1198

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TYPE: Quiet

Two players are chosen from the group.  Those two select a word for the others to guess.  The two players talk to each other about the word (without mentioning it) loud enough so that everyone can hear.  When a player thinks he knows the word, he enters into the conversation by making a statement that shows that he knows what the word is.  If he does not know the word, he must leave the conversation.  Play continues until everyone is in the conversation.


Variation:  Set a time limit of X minutes.  Anyone not in the conversation by then loses.

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