World Bnei Akiva MovementCenter for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora
The Online Hadracha Center
מרכז ההדרכה המקוון

Sound Effects

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Typ av resurs: Spel in: Engelska
Ålder: 10-18
Storlek: 10-55
Beräknad tid: 45 minutes

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Granskad: 2136
Nerladdad: 1782

Rated 307 times
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TYPE: Moderate

A story must be prepared

The leader tells the players that when he says certain words, they are to make predetermined sounds (i.e. snake--hiss, bear--grow, etc.). The leader then tells a story.  If anyone doesn't respond to the predetermined words, he is out.


Hint:    This game is very good for making a story more fun.  The faster the pre-determined words are said, the better.

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