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מרכז ההדרכה המקוון

Shimon Omer (simon Says)

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Typ av resurs: Spel in: Engelska
Ålder: 10-18
Storlek: 10-55
Beräknad tid: 45 minutes

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Granskad: 3625
Nerladdad: 1784

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SHIMON OMER (Simon Says)

TYPE:  Moderate

All of the players stand up.  The leader stands in front of the group and gives commands (i.e. lift a foot, take a step).  The leader himself obeys all the commands, but the others are only to obey the command when it is preceded by "shimon omer." Anyone who obeys a command without “shimon omer” is out.


Hint:  The faster the commands are given, the better.  Some good commands to eliminate people are:

1) "What's your name?"

2) "Would everybody spread out just a little so that there is more room."

3) "Come here for one second so that I can explain the rules to you again."

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