G.15. Who's Missing

Detalhes do ficheiro:

Recurso Tipo: Jogo em: English
Idade: 10-18
O tamanho do grupo: 10-58
Tempo estimado: 45 minutos

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G.15. Who's Missing

Small prizes, such as sweets, can be used for this game (optional).
The group is seated, at random around the room; one person, A, goes out.
The group moves around, changing places, and one more person, B, leaves by the other door, or hides.
A returns and has 20 seconds to guess who’s missing. If s/he does s/he wins (a small sweet, if you wish to give prizes), if s/he doesn’t, B wins.

Add consequences/forfeits for the loser (usually: actions to do).

Recursos relacionados pode ser encontrada em:
» Todas > Jogos > Jogos em grupo
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