Israeli Cities- Tel Aviv

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Recurso Tipo: Peula - Atividade em: English
Idade: 8-14
O tamanho do grupo: 10-50
Tempo estimado: 10 minutos

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Background: Tel Aviv began as a suburb of the ancient city of Yafo. It was only in the 1950s that the two cities were officially merged and Tel Aviv was recognized as the more important part. Early pioneers bought sand dunes to the North of Yafo in 1909, formed a working group called Achuzat Bayit, and divided up the neighborhood into land parcels. The name Tel Aviv was drawn from a prophecy of Yechezkel in Bavel, and from Herzl’s book Alteneuland, which was translated in Hebrew as Tel Aviv. Although the settlers originally banned commerce from the city, by 1921 it grew into a large center, eventually known as the first modern Hebrew city. By 1948, it had over 200,000 inhabitants, and the State of Israel was declared there.

Tel Aviv has grown to be one of the main centers of the country. It is in the area with the largest population concentration – the Coastal Planes. Many foreign embassies are located in the city, along with the Ministry of Defense. The city has the highest standard of living in the country. Among the city’s industries are food processing, textiles, clothing, chemicals, metal working, motor vehicles, electrical and electronic equipment. Tourism is another important activity in Tel Aviv, as the entire city is fronted by beaches. It is a center of many cultural activities, and is the headquarters for the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Tel Aviv has two universities: Tel Aviv and Bar Ilan. Many newspapers and magazines have their editorial offices in Tel Aviv.

In Jaffa you can find art galleries, artists’ workshops and cafes.

Recursos relacionados pode ser encontrada em:
» Todas > Terra de Israel > Lugares em Israel > Geral
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