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Peula - Atividade

Miriam And Lashon Hara

To learn about the life of Miriam; To think about the repercussions of what we say and how we say it – Lashon Hara.

Idade: 11-126424 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Miriam And Lashon Hara

To learn about the life of Miriam; To think about the repercussions of what we say and how we say it – Lashon Hara.

Idade: 12-136195 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Miriam And Loshon Hara

To learn about the life of Miriam; To think about the repercussions of what we say and how we say it – Lashon Hara.

Idade: 6-136255 ViewsView DetailsVista

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Tu Bishvat kit
Tu Bishvat kit
Tu Bishvat kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English