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Peula - Atividade

Bnei Akiva Tzevet Behaviour Guidelines

Bnei Akiva is committed to providing educational activities in a safe and appropriate environment for all participants. All Chavarim are expected to contribute to this environment. To achieve our goals, all Tzevet are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

Idade: 16-228567 ViewsView DetailsVista
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לוח שנה מאורגן ומסודר להדפסה שנת תשס"ח

Idade: 1-10010959 ViewsView DetailsVista
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Candle Lighting Bracha

The Bracha for lighting the candles on Chanukah & "Maoz Tzor". In Heb & Phonetic.

Idade: 1-10012078 ViewsView DetailsVista
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End Of The Year Present

חוברת לבוגרי שמינית שבאים לישראל עם מידע חשוב (וגם פחות חשוב...) על ישראל

Booklet for high school graduates who come to Israel, with important information (andless important ...) about Israel

Idade: 16-1810709 ViewsView DetailsVista
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Going With The Flow

יש הרבה דגים בים, חלק שוחים עם הזרם, איזה מין דג אתה?

Idade: 10-1009303 ViewsView DetailsVista

Hagada For Purim

A Hagada for Purim

Idade: 15-10010399 ViewsView DetailsVista
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Hgada For Pessach

נוסח ההגדה של פסח מוכן להדפסה

Idade: 6-10011030 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 10-10010452 ViewsView DetailsVista
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How To Make A "tilboshet" From Paper

הוראות כיצד להכין חולצת תנועה מנייר- קיפולי נייר

Idade: 10-10013165 ViewsView DetailsVista

Independence Day Songs

שירון מושקע ליום העצמאות עם שירים מהעבר והווה בעברית ובאנגלית פונטית- רק להוריד ולהדפיס!!

Idade: 10-1009486 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Introduction To Gratefulness

Introduccion al Agradecimiento, con ejemplos de brajot que decimos durante el día

Idade: 5-255339 ViewsView DetailsVista

Israeli Song Sheet

שירי ארץ ישראל- כאן, לצפון באהבה וקום והתהלך בארץ

Idade: 6-1008313 ViewsView DetailsVista

Links Recomendados

Bar & Bat Mitzvah children are building a jewish world
You have reached the age of 12/13 and you are planning your Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Interact with Israeli friends your age, who will be your twin group! Learn an exciting and interactive educational program and for the first time – the program includes an unprecedented trip to Israel and an Oath to Jerusalem at the Western Wall!
60 Years for Israel - links
Categorized links on many subjects for 60 Years for Israel
Matach site- Tu Bishvat
Matach site- Tu Bishvat
History about Tu Bishvat