Shiur - Aula


Goal: The chanichim will understand that there are levels of giving charity. In addition, they will understand that giving charity is meant not only to help the poor man, but to make us into better and giving people. Finally, The chanichim will internalize that according to Judaism although people have private property, essentially all of their money belongs to God. There are many laws that demonstrate this idea, asking each Jew to give of their own to the weak.

Idade: 13-167176 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

The Flag Of Israel

מטרת הפעולה: שהחניך יבין את הערכים הסמליים הקיימים בדגל ישראל,ואת חשיבותו לעם היהודי.התלמיד גם יבחן ויברר את הזדהותו האישית עם הדגל וערכיו.

Idade: 14-165419 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 10-182491 ViewsView DetailsVista

Point Adraha: Le Sourire

«  Reçoit toute personne avec le sourire. »

Idade: 15-171513 ViewsView DetailsVista


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