Dugma Ishit

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Resource Type: Peula in: Engels
Age: 4-6
Group Size: 10-30
Estimated Time: 90 minutes

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Resource Goal

The chanichim should understand that although a dugma ishit is very important, an ishiut shedugma is on a much higher level.  We should always be looking to learn lessons from those that have dugma ishit; however, we should look to an ishiut shedugma when we are looking for someone to emulate, for someone to be our role model.

Required Props & Materials

IF choose monopoly option you need to make fake money to give the chanachim.

Resource Contents


Before starting the peula, it is important to know what the main difference is between an ishiut shedugma and a dugma ishit.  (Ideally, of course, there should be no difference at all.)  A dugma ishit is someone who is a good example in his actions/thoughts as a result of his personality, but isn’t necessarily a good example all the time.  An ishiut shedugma is someone whose entire personality is something we should emulate, who gives a good example in everything that he/she does.  Now, keep in mind that these are both very important; however, an ishiut shedugma is on a somewhat higher level.


It is important to keep in mind that we aren’t judging who the chanichim choose to be their role models – we are trying to give them a certain amount of perspective to understand that perhaps their role model is a dugma ishit (instead of an ishiut shedugma), and to keep in mind to view that person in that light.


1) Everyone has a hero or a role model, someone they look up to.  Ask your chanichim (and yourself): Who is your role model, and why?  Is it a grandparent, a famous rabbi, a basketball star?  Why do you look up to him/her?  Is he kind, intelligent, an awesome sports star, pious, or brave?  Do you look up to him because you admire that particular quality, because you wished you had that quality, because you wished everyone had that quality?  Take 5-10 minutes to discuss this topic with your chanichim, and get a feel for what they have to say about all of this.


2) Bring 3 examples each from dugma ishit and ishiut shedugma (listed below).  This can be approached in one of 3 ways, based on what kind of activities your chanichim like:  a) telling a story about each person, b) creating a “panel” of these people, to have a discussion of their merits, or c) give the chanichim fake monopoly money to “buy” which person they would want the most for a role model.  Then, discuss with them the difference between an ishiut shedugma and a dugma ishit and how we see that embodied in each of the 6 people.


Ishiut Shedugma:                                                                       Dugma Ishit:

Rav Kook                                                                                Albert Einstein (intelligent)

Mother Theresa                                                                        Michael Jordan (sports star)

Yehuda J                                                                                Bill Gates (charitable)


3) Now go back to the original discussion.  Don’t bring up anyone in particular… just tell the chanichim to think and reflect for a moment about who they said was their role model.  Is that person an ishiut shedugma or a dugma ishit?  Does that/ should that change the way they think about that person? (For example, if a chanich said Amelia Earhart: yes, she was brave, so bravery was what made her a dugma ishit.  But she isn’t really an ishiut shedugma, that chanich might need to think twice about looking up so strongly to her.)

Ok have fun! Shabbat Shalom!

Naomi, Hadar, Shanie, Netanel, and Gila



Rav Kook:



Mother Theresa:






Albert Einstein:



Michael Jordan:



Bill Gates:

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