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Actions Speak Louder Than Words

1. To learn this story of Avraham2. To think about how much more our actions say, than our words3. Micro - macro. Bettering oneself will ultimately lead to bettering the world.

leeftijden: 12-136015 bekekenView Detailsbekijken
leeftijden: 12-1007648 bekekenView Detailsbekijken

Parshat Vaera

Teach the chanachim about chalutzim and how they helped towards establishing eretz yisrael.

leeftijden: 8-136917 bekekenView Detailsbekijken

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Marking 40 to Jerusalem kit Marking 40 to Jerusalem kit
A kit to mark 40 years to Jerusalem. Include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Divrey Torah, etc., in Hebrew and English
Jerusaelm on the Jewish Agancy web site Jerusaelm on the Jewish Agancy web site
ideas and programs about Yerushalayim on the Jewish Agancy educational department web site
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videos etc about Jewish Leadreship of then and now
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