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Brain Pop- Chanuka Brain Pop- Chanuka
A website with short movies in Hebrew about Chanuka.
Lag BaOmer -MATYA Lag BaOmer -MATYA
Information about Rabbi Akiva, the period, Sfirat HaOmer, Bar Kochva and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochay, Activities, Stories and songs
60 Israel 60 Israel
Torah Tots Torah Tots
a site full of fun activities and games for all festivals. There are activities for shabbat, Birchot Hashachar, learning the alef-bet and more. You could also find a summary for this week's Parsha and colour pictures of the Parsha.
Amalnet- Chanuka Amalnet- Chanuka
Bahalachin- The Sigd
Chagiga of Chagim Chagiga of Chagim
ideas and programs for chagim Pidyon Shvuyim Pidyon Shvuyim