
Paper Bag Dramatics

File details:

Resource Type: Game in: English
Age: 10-18
Group Size: 10-55
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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TYPE: Moderate

A bag filled with many different objects is needed.

The players are divided into groups.  Each player picks one object from the bag.  After everyone has an object, each group must make a short skit using all the objects its players have picked.  The best skit wins.


Hint:  For large groups use more than one bag.

Variation:  Instead of making a skit, the players must compose a song or tell a story using the objects.

Variation:  Use objects related to a holiday (i.e. dreidel, Matzah, etc.). Tell all the players that their skit must revolve around that holiday.



Related Resources can be found under:
» Alles > Spelletjes > Sociale Spelletjes
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