
Copy Cat

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Resource Type: Game in: English
Age: 10-18
Group Size: 10-50
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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TYPE: Active

Play in two parallel lines

The players are divided into two teams.  Each team sits opposite of each other.  Team A starts.  The first player on Team A does a movement of some kind.  The first player on Team B must immediately do the opposite movement.  If an opposite movement is impossible, do the movement with the opposite hand etc.  Then the second player on Team B does a movement and the second player on Team A must immediately do the opposite movement.  The play continues with the teams changing off who goes first.  The first team to hesitate or make a mistake loses.


Variation:  Keep score and the first team to make five mistakes loses.

Note: Specify that the movements made must also have an opposite movement possible.

Related Resources can be found under:
» Alles > Spelletjes > Sociale Spelletjes
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