M.20. Pot Luck
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M.20. Pot Luck
(Adjustment – role play)
The leader asks pairs of participants to write down (anonymously) on separate slips of paper the top one or two problems they anticipate that group members might face with others in their life, after the program/group winds up. [Hint: Studies, home, community, new environment, different friends…] They should fold up the slips and to place them in a hat or bowl.
A volunteer is asked to shuffle the papers and the leader hands one slip to each group member. To address problems, the leader asks members to form pairs, or groups of three. If someone receives a problem that he or she put into the hat, a substitute slip is given and the original placed back in the hat. If someone receives a problem that is very similar, the same applies.
Each pair (triad) now has two (three) problems to address and is allowed five minutes to prepare each one. The task is to discuss how best to resolve the issue and present it in a role play. Both topics should be addressed and role plays prepared.
One partner will role-play the group leaver, and the other will be the person with whom they interact. They should try this both ways, to get maximum inputs. For the presentation, they will need to act out the problem and their idea of how the group member should address it, after it presents. In a triad, the actual role-play is conducted in the small group, while third person plays the observer and will report to the entire group on the different ideas brought forward, the investment of effort, the degree of satisfaction and success in this process.
For each public role play, or discussion, the topic is presented by those who addressed it. No interruptions or criticism is allowed. If similar topics arose, all related role plays should be presented in sequence, without discussion.
Discussion should address whether there are other inputs which might contribute to resolution and how members felt about playing the role of someone outside the group. After 5 or 6 role plays, the group needs a break.
The final discussion should relate to the interaction between group members and others in their environment, and the best modes or ideas for addressing problems: What happens when one side is interested in adjustment, but not the other side; how members can convey needs; what happens when both sides try to work it out.
Finally, review whether this exercise has given members the opportunity to address their concerns and if it has helped them practically, boosted their self-confidence.
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