Opzioni di filtro:

Akeidat Yitzchak

To learn the story of Akeidat Yitzchak

To understand that Akeidat Yitzchak took place on what is now known as Har Habayit.

To discuss the issue of faith and trust in both Hashem and other people in relation to Akeidat Yitzchak and our everyday lives

Evo: 8-1512691 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Bereshit Bara

To show the chanachim that the worl is not a coincidence, that G-D controls everything and so that they will appreciate what goes on around them.To try and get the chanachim to be familiar with the creation (or at least with parshat bereshit).

Evo: 8-156793 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Bereshit Bara…- Parashat Bereshit

Goal: To show the Chanichim that the world is not a coincidence, that God controls everything and so that they will appreciate what goes on around them.

AND: to try and get the Chanichim to be familiar with the creation (or at least with Parashat Bereshit).

Evo: 6-1411785 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista


Just as G-d is creative so to we should be creative. How can we add to this world? What can we as teenagers accomplish?

Evo: 14-177892 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Slavery Today

1. Slavery in


2. What is true slavery and freedom?

3. The impact slavery in

Egypt continues to have on us.

Evo: 6-137487 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

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