Jeopardy- Standing Up Against The Odds - îìê äèøéååéä áðåùà- ìòîåã àì îåì ëåìí

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Type de ressource: Jeu dans: English

Ans 5 - 90

Taille du groupe 10 - 40

Temps estime: 90 minutes

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A fun game for all ages for Shabbat or chol


Theme: Standing up against the odds

Matériel requis

Preparation: Writing out the questions on index cards or paper and either placing them on a poster board or spreading them out on the floor, depending on your situation. You may also want to have the answers handy.

Contenu de la ressource


From New York

A fun game for all ages for Shabbat or chol


Theme: Standing up against the odds

Preparation: Writing out the questions on index cards or paper and either placing them on a poster board or spreading them out on the floor, depending on your situation. You may also want to have the answers handy.



Torah Trivia:


  1. When it came to monotheism, the entire world stood on one side and this Tanach character stood on the other. (Avraham)
  2. While everyone was worshipping this idol, the members of this tribe refused, and instead they waited patiently Moshe to return from the mountain.
  3. When he saw 2 people sinning in public and everyone else watching helplessly, this character grabbed a spear and acted! (Pinchas)
  4. These 2 characters broke away from the rest of their group and refused to give a bad report about the land of Israel (Yehoshua and Kalev)
  5. Even though all the other Jews in the land of Persia were doing it, this character would only bow down to Hashem and not to the king’s wicked advisor. (Mordechai)


Location Inspiration:


  1. The Marranos refused to give up a Jewish way of life in this country. (Spain, Portugal)
  2. Nachshon ben Aminadav jumped headfirst into this sea when everyone else was afraid (Yam Suf)
  3. Sandy Koufax refused to play baseball on Yom Kippur during this crucial set of games (World Series)
  4. At this mountaintop fort, the last remaining Jewish fighters decided to commit suicide then to be captured by the Romans and sold into slavery. (Masada)
  5. Nevuchadnezzar threw Channanya, Mishael and Azariah into a fiery pit, in this country, for refusing to bow down to the idol he had made. (Bavel)



Zionist History:


  1. The founder of Modern Zionism, this person presented his new theory to the world through the publishing of his book “The Jewish State”. (Herzl)
  2. When people thought that the Jewish State would never survive, this woman, who would later become prime minister, traveled to the United States and raised enough money to buy weapons for Israel to defend itself with. (Golda Meir)
  3. Unlike most religious and ultra orthodox Jews of the early 20th Century, this group led by Rav Kook z”tl, believed in the founding a Jewish State before the time of Moshiach. (Mizrachi / religious Zionists)
  4. This president of the United States, after meeting with Chaim Weizman, went against the decision of his advisors and voted for a Jewish State in the 1947 U.N Partition vote (Truman)
  5. This British politician wrote a famous declaration, which is named after him, in 1917, declaring England’s support for a future Jewish State. (Balfour)



Movie Mania:


  1. In this movie, the heroes try to defeat a network of computers who control the human race, by freeing as many human minds as they can. (The Matrix)
  2. “Quack… quack… quack….” In this movie, a hockey team tries to prove that they are just as good as all the other richer and more professional teams. (The Mighty Ducks)
  3. A princess, a renegade and an orphan farm boy join up to rid the galaxy of the Dark Side in this space movie series. (Star Wars).
  4. In this movie, after being convicted of killing his wife, a crime he did not do, the hero escapes from jail, and while being chased by a determined FBI agent, he tries to prove to the world that he is innocent (The Fugitive)
  5. Two short “people” trek the dangerous path through Middle Earth to destroy the evil wizard’s terrible ring. (Lord of the Rings)



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» All > Entre l'homme et lui-meme > Guevoura-Heroisme
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» All > Judaism > Identité Juive
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