Haman Lost His Head

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Type de ressource: Jeu dans: English

Ans 10 - 18

Taille du groupe 10 - 55

Temps estime: 45 minutes

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Vues: 1991
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(Variation of "I Accuse")

TYPE: Moderate

Play in a circle

One player is chosen as the leader, the other players are numbered in their sitting order.  The leader stands in the middle and asks: "Haman, the evil prince lost his head.  Did you see it, number _, Sir?" That numbered person must jump up and respond, "What Sir?  I Sir?" Then the leader responds, "Yes, Sir.  You, Sir." That numbered person again must respond: "Not I, Sir." The leader asks "Who then Sir?" And then the numbered person says, "Number (another number), Sir." The dialogue is then repeated between the second person and the leader.  The object is not to allow the leader to sit down, and the only way this happens is if someone seated makes a mistake in the dialogue (or even hesitates), in which case he becomes the leader.  Whoever is leader at the end of the game, loses.

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